CCMN Northwest Awards 3 Reporters on Efforts Made in Peace Reporting.

Over 25 Reporters practicing in the Northwest Region have attended a network meeting, at Church Centre Bamenda on March 11th 2020, under the umbrella of the Cameroon Community Media Network, Northwest Branch.

It is during this conclave that some productions were recognised, with selected media organs recieving awards based on the productions done, based on the project; PCC Peace Journalism and Conflict Transformation Project.

Stephen Ojang for Audio, Kouamo Arnauld of GP Media- Audio Visual, and Donat Suffo for Print Media are the recognised Peace Laurates and recipients for the 2019 Awards from CCMN Northwest.

Being the first Recipients, the Criteria is based on; Relevance, Content and Finesse in delivery and had Reporters from Audio,Print and Audio Visual as beneficiaries.

The Chair Person of the Award Committee, Choves Loh says the recognition adds value to the work of Reporters who have engaged in Peace Reporting and that the integrity of Reporters within the network is preserved.

Other members, media organs and blogs were recognised for the efforts made I'm Peace Reporting and through this gesture from the CCMN Northwest office, members were encouraged to register if another project is launched.

The Project Lead, Madam Rose Obah Akah, CCMN's National Coordinator showed gratitude for the strength most Reporters invested in the project, which is giving reasons for Partners to keep the bond and sponsor more projects, especially those proposed by CCMN Northwest.

The CCMN Coordinator, Madam Rose Obah mentions that other organizations have shown interest to Sponsor and Partner with the CCMN; Friedrich Ebert Foundation and AfroLeadership based in Yaounde, are the two organizations she mentions to be part of the works of CCMN.

CCMN Northwest being a beneficiary in the PCC Peace Project, holds one of its last meetings, which brings the project to an end by the month of April and members were introduced to the New National Peace Coordinator for the PCC, Rev. NTA William Nche

"I have been following the works of the CCMN and though it is my first time attending the network meeting I can say that you have been living the realities and have been objective in your reports. I can say am about 50% sure that another project will be launched and have CCMN Northwest fully involved". Rev. NTA William Nche, National Peace Coordinator PCC

EXCO members of CCMN Northwest continue to urged members to get productions produced and submitted, and air on their different platforms for public consumption and impact.



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