CAMASEJ NW Gives Birth A Legacy

Partial view of CAMASEJ NW Secetariat

Since inception of the Northwest Regional Chapter of CAMASEJ, a project of having a secetariat in the city of Bamenda has only been in ideas and had never come to fruition. But in the Mandate of the current President, Ambe Macmillian, CAMASEJ has gone beyond talking.

CAMASEJ NW President, Ambe Macmillian

The CAMASEJ Northwest President used the official oppening of its new Secetariat in the city of Bamenda, to Condemn the killing of school children murdered at the Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy in Kumba, where 7 kids lost their lives.

"We are educating the concerns that the North West Journalists that even in the highest areas of war, they're no go areas. Palaces, schools, mosques, churches, Journalists, hospitals are not supposed to be touched" Ambe Macmillian, President of CAMASEJ NW.

The secretariat that consists of a conference room and an inner office will henceforth serve as a point of contact between journalists and development stakeholders in the region.

Rev. Expressed Satisfaction

Present was Rev Father Tata Mbuy, who in his exhortation called on Journalists to report the truth only.

"When you deliberately reject the truth, you insult yourself first. If the journalist must succeed, they must stand on the truth. No matter from where it comes, they will respect you" he said

Father Tata also noted that most Journalists know the truth but lack the tact in presenting it.

Award Recipients and CAMASEJ NW EXCO

It is in that strive that 2 media organs were awarded for their resilience in reporting; The Guardian Post Newspaper for clocks it's 2000th edition on the day of inaugurating the secetariat and Equinox Television.

The Guardian Post became a daily in 2015 and has been very consistent in news delivery since then, a move saluted by the executive of CAMASEJ NW.

"THE Guardian Post is the most resilient newspaper and have been very consistent" Ambe McMillian, CAMASEJ NW president told the press

Equinoxe TV was also awarded for their outstanding coverage of the Anglophone crisis and it's people oriented approach

A Senior Journalist practicing in the Northwest Region and member of CAMASEJ, Mr Nfor Francis, Communication Director with MIDENO says the project of having a secetariat had been put on hold some years back and now realised in 2020 which is a great achievement.

"The Northwest branch of CAMASEJ goes beyond talking, it walks the talk. The issue of the CAMASEJ secretariat was muted long ago by the predecessors of the current CAMASEJ President, Ambe Macmillan. At the tail of his mandate, Ambe Macmillan has proven that he is a man of his word, result oriented and the office we are inaugurating today will serve as a legacy". Mr Nfor Francis

"The office is going to be a contact point not only for CAMASEJ members but serve as a contact point for development stakeholders who need the services of a Journalist." He added.

Rose Obah, CCMN
(photo credit:Fongoh Primus)

Rose Obah, former President of CAMASEJ and National President of CCMN says the gift of the secretariat has not happened since the inception of CAMASEJ Northwest and will be of great help to her and member associations.

"This secretariat will help members of CAMASEJ and sister associations, it is going to serve as a ground to share professional issues, exchange best practices and to perfect reporting skills, to help community make informed decision." Rose Obah

The journalists also observed a minute of silence for the repose of the soul of a colleague, working with CRTV, Mireille Lambo who passed on Tuesday 27th October 2020.

By Ndefru Melanie


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