DDR Bamenda Reminds Government of Unfufilled Promises, through Strike Action.

DDR Ex-Fighters demostrate strike action in Bamenda

Ex-combatants of the DDR Centre Bamenda have demonstrated a strike action, to say Promises made by government to equip the centre and make it more habitable have not been met. This strike action comes ups barely 2weeks after the Regional Coordinator of the centre called a Press conference to say all is fine.

..At the NW Governor's Explanade

Ex-Amba fighters who decided to drop their weapons and prepare themselves for reintegration into society, have on February 15th 2021 taken to the streets of Bamenda, marching to the NW Governor's office expressing how disgruntled they are with "fake promises" from Government.

It should be recalled that same action took place in the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration centre Buea on February 1st 2021, as Ex-fighters expressed grievances on Poor treatment meetted out to them.

Photo credit: The Ultimate Author

By Ndefru Melanie


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