New DDR Centre in Bamenda Recieved, Pending Equipment Worth Over 700 million Cfa

New DDR Centre Officially Opened

At the time of this report, seperatists fighters in the Northwest Region still carrying guns in the bushes, would have recieved news of the new DDR Centre in Bamenda, which will recieve combattants willing to drop their arms and accept the hand of fellowship extended to them by the Head of State, President Paul Biya.

Grand Chancellor of National Order

The official reception of the DDR Centre in Bamenda was presided by Grand Chancellor of National Order, Philemon Yang on behalf of government, with close assistance from the National Coordinator of the DDR, Fai Yengo Francis and team.

"This is very important because it is the realization of one the dreams of this nation, to have a Center like this one. A center that makes it possible for our young brothers whom we trying to reintergrate to train well and become a great part of the society" Philemon Yang.

Images of the New DDR Centre Bamenda

The new Centre is located some few metres before the main road, on the road leading to the Bamenda airport, a structure worth the training and rehabilitation intended for ex-fighters.

"The Head of State promised and realized the centre and through his determination, he is ready to recieve all who took up arms against the State. We have plans to make the Ex-fighters better Cameroonians" National Coordinator, Fai Yengo Francis.

The Ultramodern centre has structures like; Domitories; each worth the capacity of over 80 beds, workshops, Chapel, refectory, Chapel, Toilets, all well constructed with the provision of light and water, making it more habitable.

The National Coordinator of the DDR, Fai Yengo Francis urged Journalists to Use the Peace Journalism approach, to help the State during such challenging moments, when it is plagued by conflicts on multiple fronts. He told Journalists to report in a way geared towards achieving peace not inciting violence.

"It takes time, it is expensive and it requires patience. The DDR is a process, reintergration is long and it requires a good number of procedures. We plead that people contribute their own quota for this to be successful." Fai Yengo Francis, National Coordinator DDR.

It is worth noting that to put an end to violence and terrorist activities, the State has invested over 7 billion Cfa for all 3 Disarmament Demobilization and Reintergration Centers.

By Ndefru Mélanie

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