Women Mobilize on PM's Visit, Roar Need For Peace

Prof. Uphe Chinge, Justine DIFFO and Anna Abrahams mobilized some women in Bamenda to show their plight, while they welcomed PM Dion Ngute in Bamenda on
October 05, 2021.

Uphie Chinje, one of the leaders noted that the "women have come from all the seven Divisions of the North west. We are messengers. We are going to take the message to all the ends of the region" she said

The message of Peace lingered in the hearts and minds of many who waited patiently for the PM to reach the region, but these women carried banners, placards, peace plants that carried the messages of the much needed Peace in the Region.

Some of these mothers described the pain felt and how affected they were given the ongoing armed conflict in the Northwest region. They hoped that the PM's visit will not be a normal routine but that which will have positive fall-outs.

A mobilizer, a rallying force, Prof Justine DIFFO gave financial and moral support to these women, in order to help them move easily and be part of the PM's peace mission to Bamenda.

Their Regional Mobilization Co-ordinator, Anna Abrahams showed gratitude to Justine DIFFO for the interest in their plight, her timely contributions made to ease a massive turnout to commune with the PM.

She also mentioned the objective, the reasons why the women came out in demonstration, while welcoming the PM.

"Our intension is to ensure that the Peace returns to the Northwest region, we have seen too much blood she'd, we don't want to tell who is right or wrong, we have lost our children, we have buried enough, we feel unsafe, we give birth to these children, we don't know if a child will return home from an eran, we don't know where these guns are coming from, all we ask is that the guns should be dropped" Regional Coordinator of the Peace Walk.

The Women believe that Peace will return after the PM's 2nd visit to the region, though gradual it is expected to be a quick process as many keep dieing on a daily basis, given the armed conflict.


Bamenda Based Journalist, reporting on the PM's visit


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