MINAT Launches 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan, Worth 300 million Dollars

Atanga Nji Paul, Minister of Territorial Administration has launched the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan, HRP  worth 376 million dollars, at the conference Hall of Monte Febe Hotel in Yaounde.

Cameroon's partners were appreciated for standing by her in moments of need. The Minister mentioned that, with the Humanitarian emergency plan put in place by President Paul Biya, much has been done to help the vulnerable population affected by the crisis and other disasters in Cameroon for the past 4 years.

Minister Paul Atanga Nji stated that peace is gradually returning to the troubled regions, evidenced by the fact that more than 100,000 internally displaced persons have returned to their homes. 

Mentioning that sporadic attacks are still being registered, while government and her development partners should remain vigilant.
Atanga Nji Paul stated that the Cameroon government is moving from assistance to development, because assistance is not sustainable.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the humanitarian situation in Cameroon is characterized by three complex, protacted crises emanating into violence in the Lake Chad basin, the North West and South West regions.

This has been further compounded by conflicts in neighbouring Central African Republic and Nigeria with the influx of refugees from these two countries into Cameroon. The covid-19 pandemic and the recent case of the cholera outbreak in Cameroon has worsened issues.

Mr. Mathias Z. Naab, Humanitarian Coordinator in Cameroon said over 3.9 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Cameroon in 2022, stating that last year "humanitarian assistance was delivered to close to two million people and that the humanitarian response plan for Cameroon was funded by 51%". 

"With increasing need, all partners are needed on board to assist girls, boys, women and men who need humanitarian assistance".

It's worthy of note that, most vulnerable persons who are suppose to be beneficiaries of this humanitarian aid, do not receive or get what they are due. Either because there is no information flow or those expected to distribute the booty don't manage data well.

Therefore it is expected that as MINAT puts in effort to ensure that the needs of these vulnerable persons are met, hierarchy will ensure that persons who recieve the aid don't recieve twice or more than others, especially those living in remote areas who may not be  prompt when it is distribution time.

Ndefru Melanie

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