The Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou took part in the graduation ceremony at the National Center for Youths and Sports in Kribi on August 16 2023.
The event had as theme "Patriotic e-Volunteers for a Cameroon without hate speech", made up of 61 laureates in total with a success rate of 100%, including 36 senior youth and animation instructors and 25 instructors of youth and animation.
Some winners will join the public service and the armed forces and police, while others will be called upon to serve in the private sector.
The mayor Kribi, represented by his second deputy, indicated that since its creation in 1979, the Cenajes of Kribi has always been the pride of the seaside town.
The mayor recalls that: “the products produced by this institution constitute a lever for civic and moral education; national integration; and to live together. Values that are today at the heart of the major government orientations”.
It also invites all the winners of this 2023 vintage to demonstrate competence, moral probity and hard work.
After drawing up the administrative, disciplinary and pedagogical report of the center, the director of the Cenajes de Kribi, Nchia Victorine Sih, thanked the minister for the support offered to the school, in terms of improving working conditions of teachers.
She expressed her gratitude for the material support provided by former Cenajes students and those in the spotlight today. These include donations of sound kit, fans, garbage bins, a bell, and maintenance of student restroom doors.
This ceremony was marked by the awarding of various prizes, including that of the personality of the year awarded to Mr. Tchagadick Jean, former deputy director of the Cenajes de Kribi from July 2012 to July 2019.
He served there as a PE teacher from 2008 to 2010 and general supervisor from 2010 to 2012. The reading of the final results of the examinations sanctioning the end of training of the laureates was made by the deputy director of Cenajes de Kribi, Mahamat Mahamat.
Minister Mounouna Foutsou exclusively articulated his remarks on the fight against hate speech in Cameroon, inviting these new laureates to contribute actively to this fight already led by the Cameroonian government.
In addition, He announces to the laureates that they are as of this day instructors and principal instructors of youth and animation, professionals of the promotion of civic education and the national integration of all the populations, professionals promoting the socio-economic integration of young people.
"Your exit today from the Cenajes de Kribi comes at the right time; it will allow the ministry to strengthen its workforce and thus accelerate the achievement of the objectives arising from the above-mentioned issues and challenges," he said. before recommending that they implement all these management strategies acquired, throughout throughout their training period at the institution.