CCMN Transforms Lives in Communities through Peace Journalism

Members within the Cameroon Community Media network, have met in a network meeting on November 20th 2019 , under Peace Journalism and Conflict Transformation Project, of the Presbyterian  Church Cameroon,PCC,  to evaluate work done by Journalists since the conception in the Northwest and West Regions. 

The Evaluation meeting reviewed work done by Reporters within the network since June 2018 and this  autocritic exercise made Journalists  understand  the impact of their reports on the audience they serve. Though Journalist may have in a way contributed on escalating the crisis, the network meeting held to correct some of the errors made. 

The Project Manager,  Madam Roseline Obah appreciated Journalists within the CCMN for their different productions on Peace Journalism, that had in many ways impacted the lives of those whom they serve in their communities. 

Comments about the story angles chosen by CCMN members in their different  newsrooms, could not be over emphasized, because most of the stories reported on, were worries of those in the communities. 

"Members  of the network have been working the talk,  whatever they did as far as their reporting is concerned,reflected Peace Journalism and this had a positive impact on the community. " Madam Rose Obah,Project lead. 

She quoted stories of Refuse Management  and The Road Situation in Bamenda, while encouraging members to do a follow up on the stories already reported,  so as to meet the wants of the people. 

"CCMN members, who are Registered Journalists within the region,  have gone closer people, to talk with them, and this served as a therapy,  getting the issues that border people on a daily basis and reported on them through their different  media platforms.".She said. 

"Stakeholder,Government  Whosoever is involve will take action as a result of the Peace Reporting and this will contribute in deescalating the ongoing armed conflict  in the region." she added.

Stepping into Sustainable Development  Goals,  Madam Rose Obah's explains that material discussed is Peace and Community development  oriented.

"Most of the material discussed is related to Peace and on Community Development. Sustainable  development  goals can be attained once there is Peace,  and Journalists should fine tune their skills to act on these goals. " Project Lead. 

CCMN members are thankful about the impact of the Project shown their reports, as a way of contributing their on quota in the Peace Process. Miss Being Carine, reports with Moghamo Community radio  and says this project has an impact on their editorial Policy. 

"This Project has impacted our editorial policy because the media has been used as a tool for Peace, not for War,In broadcasting or running our programs, we have changed out diction so that the common man will feel the importance  of our reporting. " Miss Ndong Carine. 

Ambe Macmillian, a Reporter and owner of The Statesman, blog says the project has given room for Journalists to evaluate themselves.

"I think this project has helped to shape the output of my organ, comment from readers and the impression you get after reading your write up, the voices we did not usually consider are being reflected. The Project has given the opportunity  for Journalist to Evaluate themselves and see how they can contribute their own quota to peace and deescacalte the crisis. " Mr Amber Macmillian. 

CCMN has chapters in Northwest and West,but The Project Manager says Peace is a virtue for all, and cannot be deprived reason why other chapters will be opened in other towns in Cameroon, so that the Peace Project is well rooted. 


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