The City Mayor of Bamenda city Council, Achombong Tambeng Paul has made his first outing, held a security meeting with major city dwellers in Bamenda to implement measures to prevent COVID-19.
He notes that because of diverse interest of the people, with issues relating to the ongoing crisis, which has divided the people. He reminds the people that there is need to unite as one and fight the deadly disease affecting many countries across the world.
The Regional Delegate for Commerce, Goghomo Abel emphasized on the need to protect consumers from the goods and services they buy and provide, above all the market.
He told stakeholders that it was important for Hygiene and sanitation to be maximized in the region, as a major step to fight the virus. Respecting measures like; Social distancing and staying at home, respect schedule for circulation and public operation.
" It is important for us to practice Opening and cleaning between 6am and 8am, cleaning and closing between 4pm and 5pm, by 6pm all Commercial stores,all markets and commercial centers closed, inorder to avoid defaulting and facing sanctions". He added.
In line with the exaggeration on foodstuff in other towns, the regional delegate for Commerce, mentioned they need for circulation of all basic and necessity goods in all Commercial centers, while prices of goods and services should not be exaggerated given the crisis situation.
"Prices of goods should be published for buyers to avoid interaction or touching" he said.
The secetary general meaning the affairs of food market,says "there is a high risk that the market itself can contaminate the whole town and things that possible measures to prevent the disease should be perculiar to the market dwellers or sellers."
Despite the pressure put on citizens by government, many seem to be lookwarm about the outbreak of the dissease in the Region.
" With the creation of task force, using the forces of law n order, it is going to be challenging, considering the situation in the region. We need a change of mindset. We will purchase a small loud speaker and a good talker to get the message across". City Mayor added
The City Mayor is convinced that the journalists are capable to do their job to educate the mass and with this conclusion, he sees a reason for a press conference to address the situation concerning the disease.
Staff of Bamenda 1 council begin work, a day after the meeting, to clean up garbage arround their area, to send signals that work has already began on hygiene and sanitation in the region.