Emergency Procedures to curb Covid-19 as part of local arrangements within the framework of the city, has been taken by the City Mayor of Bamenda, Achombang Tambeng Paul, who is calling on all inhabitants of the city to be very collaborative in fighting the common emermy.
He was speaking in a Press briefing convenned at Parcour Vita Bamenda, on March 31st, in the prescence of city council staff and stakeholders concerned with the hygiene and sanitation of the town.
He announced that on Friday April 3rd, a disinfecting excercise will take place on the streets of commercial avenue while all shops arround the area will be locked. He advices the market masters present at the meeting to share out flyers given to them by the City council,to the people informing them about the exercise.
In the municipality, the City Mayor, notes that the first hazard faced is the Anglophone hazard, the second being the hazard of gabbage and the 3rd, the apparent advent of the Corona virus.
"It is our decision to fight or not to fight and die. We will not spare any efforts in fighting against the virus, since Bamenda which has no recorded any case. Hysacam Is making an effort but it is not enough, collective efforts could push the preventive measures to a better standard". He said.
"This Friday, the main market, foodmarket and other commercial centres,all kiosk and trade unions, none will be open on friday because there will be a disinfecting excercise to spread across T-junction to city chemist" he added.
"I call on all Amba boys to join the teams to clean n disinfected the town, because once the disease they too will be affected" Achombang Tambeng Paul, City Mayor Bamenda.
He adds that for clarity sake a small unit will be created at the city council to issue receits to stakeholders to bring any financial support, towards the