Media practitioners in the Northwest region have discovered a new angle to Covid-19, through a training with Beacon of Light Association, on the need to mount efforts in mainstreaming gender in their reporting of Covid 19.
This training took place on Wednesday May 13th, in Bamenda, persuading the Media, to see the need of reporting on the needs of women and girls during Covid times.
BeLA says "women are rather suffering a huge impact of Covid-19, while the schools are shut, women are more focused at home caring for the children, women being Frontline health workers and at risk, in the economic sector, most women and girls are into buisness, with their level of sanitation posing a worry",Eleen Ndze Beacon, CEO BeLA said.
The Divisional Delegate for Women Empowerment and the familly, Mr Wirba Hassan noted with keen interest that, women especially those living with disabilities, women of some communities and those displaced are bound to live with a double challenge to cater for themselves during Covid-19 times.
The workshop involved Local language broadcaaters, broadcasters of Tv, Radio, Newspaper and Online, acquiring skills on gender sensitive reporting on Covid-19, pitching new stories on Covid-19 and amplifying the voices of women and girls.
Teke Kingsley, Coordinator of the Covid Project in the Northwest Region, gave more knowledge on Covid-19, the need to get tested and also outlined the challenges faced in recieving patients who have been tested Positive.
According to BeLA there are a few areas lacking, in reporting on the health pandemic and with the use of a practical exercise, new angles to stories were pitched and trainees appreciated BeLA for the new twist, away from the usual information got on Tv and Radio, based on Covid-19.
"I am grateful to have been part of the training, because any content I will be putting together for broadcasting on Covid-19 will focus on women. It is away from the usual we hear on TV and Radio and this particular focus highlights the needs of women and girls." Local Language braodcaster from Kumbo.