Adamawa Region: The Manufacture of Automative Batteries, Neglected by Officials

The manufacture of automotive batteries, an activity with great potential but neglected by the executive

Despite the strong potential, particularly in view of the large number of vehicles available in the Adamawa region and the influence on the Ngaoundéré-Douala, Ngaoundéré-Touboro, Ngaoundéré-Garoua corridor, the automotive battery manufacturing branch remains underdeveloped in the water tower region of Cameroon.

Indeed, between production limited on average to 1,462 units over the period 2017-2020 and average turnover of barely 21 million FCFA, this activity remains marginalized, as the dashboards of several bodies reveal, the automotive battery manufacturing branch has experienced mixed performance.

Between production limited on average to 1,462 units between 2017 and 2020 for just over 224 units sold and an average turnover of barely 21 million FCFA, this activity remains marginal.

Despite a strong potential that could help stimulate the manufacturing industry and create decent jobs, as the Industrial Bulldozer pointed out, this activity remains marginalized in Adamaoua.

However, given the will of the executive to "transform our economy", this activity could and should be better supported. In a context where many multinational automobile manufacturers in particular are currently setting up production plants across the country, which is proof of the importance of this activity, the authorities should nevertheless look into it.

With the understanding that there is real potential for revival, from manufacturing to the automotive sector. The demand for vehicles is slowing down in developed areas, while it is increasing in emerging economies including in Adamawa.

Considering the average turnover of 15 billion FCFA in the mechanical services sector in general, the preponderance of imports, investing in this sector could create jobs and develop a real value chain which will promote economic diversification.

By Adamawa Correspondent

By Adamawa Correspondent

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