PENASED Solicits Services of Motivated and Qualified Volunteers

The Pentecostal Advocates for Socio-Economic Development (PENASED) – a community-based association, non profit making has space in it's organization providing six job offers for volunteers.

The Executive Coordinator, Joseph Wato, indicates that the renowned structure within faith-based community needs the services of:

 *A Programme Assistant

 *A Community Health Programme     Assistant

 *A Gender and Social Inclusion           Programme Assistant

 *A Resource Mobilization and             Partnership Assistant

 *An Accounting and Financial             Assistant

 *A Bilingual Administrative                 Assistant.

These opportunities offered are part of PENASED’s implementation of its 2021-2024 strategic plan. The said plan focuses on improving the living conditions of the most underprivileged and vulnerable populations by working to break down the socio-economic barriers hindering their full development in society.

Created in 2015, the legalized structure’s missions include among others the sensitization of so-called Pentecostal and revival communities on the promotion of essential family practices for quality health and education, to contribute to poverty reduction through entrepreneurship and the creation of income-generating micro-projects.

It also promotes social integration of the aforementioned community by contributing to debunk false beliefs and practices for the adoption of healthy behaviors to ensure their well-being.

PENASED hinges its interventions on four pillars; the well-being of the mother and child, professional orientation for decent jobs, entrepreneurship for wealth creation, and social inclusion and human rights.

By Ndefru Melanie


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