Foumbot Recieves Youth Affairs Minister, MINJEC Applauds Youth Involvement and Output in Diverse Activities

Youth Affairs Minister, Monouna Foutso has made good observations on youth activities carried out in line with the Special Three-Year Plan for Young People, in Noun Subdivision.

The Minister of Youth and Civic Education (MINJEC) has visited some production clusters of young beneficiaries of Three Year Youth plan in Foumbot.

The Minister visited the corn production warehouses coupled with the production of avocado seedlings in the nursery. MINJEC observed that over a hundred of young avocado plants are ready for sale.

Bakary, promoter of the warehouse said, “I will thank the Ministry of Youth Affairs, who allowed me to move from 1 hectare to 20 hectares. This launch allowed me to continue in the training of street children that I created in 2015. I alone cannot develop this place, other young people like me who believe in this initiative can synergize efforts and we have the best outcome”.

The Minister, Mounouna Foutsou was moved by the opportunities the youths were taking and the outcome according to him was appealing.

“I am moved by all these success stories that I have been visiting in the Western region in general and particularly here in Foumbot. I believe that Cameroonian youth have many opportunities, particularly in the agricultural sector".

"As these young people have written on their t-shirts-the land does not deceive, these young people have seized these opportunities to integrate harmoniously into the value chain so as to promote products made in Cameroon." MINJEC

The Special Youth Triennial Plan was instructed on February 10, 2016 by Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, during his address to youths. It constitutes an overall short-term strategic framework around government and non-government programs dedicated to the supervision and support of young people, in order to improve their integration into productive society and their contribution to inclusive national growth.

In its component under the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education (MINJEC), this plan aims to intensify civic education, social and economic integration of young people through their mobilization, Entrepreneurial skills and civic training; through which they will gain theeir employment or installation in production units and services.

By Ndefru Melanie

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