Armed Conflict: Paul Achobong Opts for Public Prayer Sessions as A way Out

Paul Achobong speaks to crowd in Bamenda

The City Mayor for the Bamenda City Council, Paul Achobong Tambeng who also doubles as a pastor believes that holding public prayer meetings is another way out of the armed conflict that has been plaguing the Northwest region for close to five years.

Speaking to a crowd that gathered for a prayer session on Wednesday October 27th 2021 at the grandstand in Bamenda, he apealed to all who came to fellowship that it was good for prayer sessions to hold, bringing people together from time to time to pray for Peace.

During Prayer Session at grandstand in Bamenda

"The troubles, tribulations, challenges we have had has gone on for close to five years but we think it's time for us to turn to God like the progical son in the Bible. We pray that people will stay away from any trace of anger and vegeance and look up to God who is the author and finisher of life" Paul Achobong, speaking to press after prayer session.

Just like the prayers recited daily by christians across the Northwest and Southwest regions, pastors have resolved to be at the forefront in prayers with hopes that God has the answer to the armed conflict that is rocking these two regions for almost 5years.

Men and Women of God, continue to be targets amidst the ongoing conflict, yet they haven't given up their task as servants in the Lord's Vineyard. According to Paul Achobong, it is more sustainable to gather people in prayer from time to time despite the challenging moments faced.

Pastor Warah pours holy oil, praying for Peace

Officiating the session was Pastor Warah who revealed that different churches have been at their best praying for lasting peace and believes that for peace of mind to return in the Northwest region, will depend on a collective effort.

"The churches are doing their best at different fronts, as the year is coming to an end we thought it wise to begin appreciating God for what he has done. The strength of Bamenda shows that there is hope, despite the ongoing conflict, we see children going to school" Pastor Warah.

Partial View of crowd

Onlookers, with a majority of them being buisness men, had no choice but to watch the crowd that gathered for prayers. Reasons because at the time of the Prayer session, the Bamenda Main Market was locked for that purpose and was reopened thereafter.

It is also known that in the course of the crisis, fake pastors have mounted the pulpit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make money using words from the scriptures. Yet it is left for the masses to make efforts at individual levels for the much talk about Peace to be realized.

By Bamenjo Petronila


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