Major National Dialogue: Two years On, Reccomendations Open-Ended

Recommendations arrived at, as part of the fall-outs from the Major National Dialogue are still in process of Implementation in the restive Regions Northwest and Southwest Region.

Participants at the Major National Dialogue

Delegates were selected from across the nation, to look into the different conflicts, pick out points of grievances, which later emerged to over 80 resolutions.

It's been 2years on and government so far has set up several follow up committees to meet up and fufil these, intended to bring benefits to those of the NW and SW regions.

Most of the resolutions arrived at, had brought about new structures, Institutions to show proof of steps taken to resolve internal conflict, such as the ongoing armed conflict in Anglophone Cameroon.

The Head of State, His Excellency President Paul Biya

The creation of the Special status, that was adopted and inserted in law No 2019/024 of Dec 24th 2019, was to Institute the General and Regional, Local authorities.

Over 30 billion francs CFA was allocated for the proper functioning of these structures, following instructions from the Head of State, President Paul Biya who equally proceded with the appointment and installation of Public Independent Concilliators of the North West and South West Regions.

To effect these, The National School of Local Administration was created to train staff in local administration.

A reconstruction plan for the two regions was put in place, creating the Presidential plan for Reconstruction and Development.

The reintegration of ex combattants by providing psychosocial support and financing of several youth projects for the DDR centres in the Far North, North West and South West Regions, all of these being fall-outs of the Major National Dialogue.

The Emergency Humanitarian Plan continues to be implemented to support internally displaced persons, refugees across the nation through the distribution of relief material to over 3000 IDPs and about 600 former refugees.

The Judicial sector, a common law bench has already been created at the Supreme Court. The OHADA uniform act has also been translated into the English language. Those of this Corp await the creation of a law school and the recruitment of specialised interpreters in courts.

The fight against the slowness of Judicial procedures, the creation of the National Commission for the promotion of Bilingualism and multiculturalism, recruitment of 1000 bilingual teachers specialized in science and technology are other steps taken by government to arrest the current impasse in the North West and South West regions.

Unfortunately, two years after these measures were taken, they have not generated the much needed effervescence on the ground. Ghost towns and lockdowns continue to be the order of the day.

The PM, at the Opening of the Major National Dialogue September 30th 2019

On several occasions, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute has made a clarion call for those fighting to leave the bushes and visit the Disarmament, Demobilisation and rearmament centres created since 2018.

According to the follow up committee for the implementation of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue, economic activities are gradually picking up in the two regions though with some difficulties, with pockets of resistance observed in some parts of the Northwest and Southwest regions.

The local population is trapped between a rock and a hard place, with most of them battling with the understanding that acquiring reforms, the process demands patience.

By Ndefru Melanie


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