During the last budgetary session for 2021, Belo Council voted the sum of 704 million Cfa francs for the 2022 financial year, from which the council will portion 80 million Cfa francs for the provision of medical equipments, while recruiting staff to serve in some health areas within the municipality.
"We place health at the heart of our developmental goals. That is why in 2021, with the help of grants from the government, we recuited 30 health workers in midwifery, nursing, laboratory technicians".
"For 2022 we are targeting health, water and electricity. Workers that were recruited last year will be retained this year, we will give working equipment so that they can be productive and effective as they deliver health care services to the population". Mayor Ngong Innocent.
The Mayor believes that the choice of giving priority to health, is line with response to Covid19 that continues to register infected cases and deaths, is the council's own way of accompanying the local population in fighting the deadly virus.
In order to revive the once vibrant Belo municipality, the Mayor - Ngong Innocent believes it is imperative for the council to design a scale of preference to suit the needs and demands of the local population; health, water provision and extension of electricity, being major projects for Belo municipality .
"We realized giant projects in 2021; completed construction of 4 major bridges that links the local location to farming hubs, donated farm tools to some key farmers, assisted with innovative books and other didatic material to pupils and students for back to school".
"We carried out major infastructure in education; building zootechnical schools, classrooms in some different institutions in Belo", Mayor Ngong Innocent.
Belo Council was ranked 19th of the 34 Councils according to authorities of the regional delegation of economy planning and regional development, thanks to an evaluation of executed projects that was considered people oriented.
In the course of the year 2021, Belo Council provided didactic materials to schools; from which pupils and students benefited, rehabilitated roads, constructed bridges in about 4 villages and recruited over 30 health personnels amongst others.
Extending electricity and water supply to Muhjung village, is one of the major projects on the council's to-do-list and this was a revelation during the council's 2021 budgetary Session.
"We will also carry out rural electrification in some villages in Belo. As for portable water, we will be having major programs in Ashing-kom, which will have to extey to primay schools, health centers that are in proximity, not forgetting the maintenance of farm to market roads" Mayor Belo Council.
Belo Council being one of the largest councils in the Northwest region, is located in Boyo Division, Cameroon, made up of 29 separate villages with stunning local hills giving a municipality an interesting landscape.
It is expected that with the voted budget for 2022, it will go a long way to alleviate poverty in Belo.
By Penn Elvis