In upholding Peace Virtue and standing firm in the pursuit of justice despite all odds as a result of the anglophone crisis, the PCC Peace Office has resolved to be stronger incase the crisis or armed conflict in the Northwest region continue to metamorphose.
According to Rev. Nta Williams, the PCC Peace Office has been a strong voice mediating in the ongoing conflict in the North West and South West regions. He disclosed some of the activities the PCC Peace office has been doing, talking to warring factions about the need to drop weapons for Peace to reign.
"Partaining to Peace and justice within the anglophone area especially in this crisis, the Peace office is a veritable actor in trying to de-escalate the armed conflict. The Peace office has been able to do alot of advocacy, capacity building through Workshop, sensitization and campaigns for Peace, not leaving out the posters spread in all ten regions of Cameroon that addresses issues centred arround Peace and Health; Covid19 which is also a threat in addition the ongoing crisis." Rev Nta Williams, PCC Peace office
"The Peace Office took part in the Major National Dialogue; went through the National Peace Coordinator, was active in the all anglophone general conference. We have been the voice calling on perpetrators that take away human life to stop, decrying such inhumane treatment within communities through the voice of the moderator of the PCC" he divulged.
The PCC Peace Office continue to denounce injustice and uphold morals that can bring peace in communities through various forms; with the help of Journalists and members of Peace networks, produce short videos and films to educate and urge everyone to contribute towards the return of peace.
"In order to Preach the message for Peace, the Peace Office has engaged in a slogan; Total Energy for Peace 2022. That to us, is our goal set ahead of time, for 2022. We are not going to retreat but stand firm, be strong and put more effort so that as the conflict continues to metamorphose itself, we too will re-strategize to see that Peace and justice will reign in our communities".
The Cameroon Community Media Network, CCMN has continued in its pursuit to shift the narratives from traditional reporting to peace journalism, by offering non-violent narratives to communities in crisis settings, especially in members' reporting and programme content.
Roseline Akah Obah is National Coordinator for the CCMN, she says peace can be achieved by constan or regular capacity building for Journalists on peace reporting, doing situational analysis to tie loose ends.
"It is important to check content published or broadcast in terms of words and images used, as well as carry out online sensitization. The CCMN has continuously engaged in the production of programs that uphold peace, social cohesion and nonviolence, especially in various local languages to reflect the voices of the community"
"We strive to maintain a bottom up approach in our reporting as our watchprase indicates - 90% community and 10%media", by this, local actors and community members can be part of peacebuilding processes". National Coordinator CCMN
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Foundation for Peace and Hope - BIHAPH has been working in different communities within the North West region, where the conflict is escalating, observed that the conflict is rather sparodic in the city.
"In our communities, most of the violence that occur is not reported, people accept violence as a way of life and believe that the military are the bad guys and on the other hand believe that the separatist are the bad ones. It is a circle of evil that promotes violence or does not recognize the impact of violence in the communities"
BIHAPH's head office is at the grassroots community, that is where our strongesthold is. Working in this communities made us to understand that people need education, they need to understand the impact of violence as we believe it's not the solution".
BIHAPH provides peace education to communities, organize community dialogue, considering they have been shattered because of differences in opinions that revolve around the conflict.
"The community dialogue strategy which BIHAPH is using to reshape or rebuild communities has caused people to have a sense of living together and that violence is not the solution".
"People in these communities have experienced far more than what they deserve; besides poverty in its worst form, discrimination marginalisation, disadvantages and Instead of the smoking guns, it's better to empower people through local resources available, build capacities, encourage little income generating activities, make communities gain back their lives from what they have been living on". Dighambong Bibiana, CEO BIHAPH.
To her it is uneccessirily waiting for government or international NGOs, using their local resources to build back their lives is more sustainable.
"We believe that talking to women, men and young people, girls in communities, create avenues through their community leaders or other sources can make them revisit their agenda, their actions and give accountability of what they're doing in their communities".
According to BIHAPH, using the impact of the crisis, talking about the consequences of the crisis on people and property can make armed groups realize or see reasons why their is need to actually redress the situation; away from commiting act of atrocities, act of violence even to themselves.
"Success begins when you start talking, but not necessarily castigating, prejudising or name calling or condemnation which cannot solve the problem. It is knowing what to say, what approach to use in every situation".
"Justice will not come to us from outside or by sending people to jail or by killing. This is not taking us anywhere, we just need to believe that we can address this problem by bringing our little drops of water into the big basin of peace building to see how we can make an ocean in addressing the Anglophone crisis" CEO BIHAPH.
Sample opinions from the PCC Peace Office, CCMM and BIHAPH has proven that Peace and Justice move side by side and each of them in their own way, are talking to warring parties, actors in conflict to play their role to ensure that both is achieved without the crisis having to cost more lost of lives or bloodshed.
By Ndefru Melanie