After the launch of the region's budget on January 5th and 6th 2022, a team from the Adamawa regional tax center went to the field on January 19, 2021 with a view to popularizing the tax innovations of the finance law under of the 2022 financial year.
Close collaborators like Mr Otseng Jean Claude and the taxpayers of Adamawa, the head of the regional tax center of Adamawa presented a situation of non-profit organizations, referring to them as "famous tax on tontines" specifying that, the regional delegation of taxes will go to associations after a tour lead by the head of competent admiratrive authority.
According to the Head of tax, there will be no question of a witch hunt, while adding that the rate of 0.2% on deposit and withdrawal tax is not a novelty, but that it existed in Kenya for example this rate is 12% against 5% in Gabon; "Let the show of social networks stop, We are even lucky ".
He urged taxpayers to take a tour through the management center to approve support for small and medium-sized businesses.
By Katakap in Adamawa