The existence of the PIC, the Public Independent Conciliator in the Northwest region, demonstrates that government saw the need for a 3rd party in conflict.
Though the structure doesn't listen to land disputes or chieftancy squabbles, Tamfu Simon in the person of the Public Independent Conciliator says the rights of persons will be protected, while ensuring follow up within public services.
"The PIC will embrace a peaceful method of settling disputes between parties to protect users against violations of their rights and to prevent abuses and discrimination. It has the mandate to investigate the functioning of public services at the Regional Assembly and local council levels, encourage, promote and ensure ethical conduct on the part of our stakeholders among others".
"The law does not mandate the PIC to resolve issues between private individuals and does not solve land of chieftancy issues". PIC.
According to the City Mayor, represented by his deputy, the existence of the PIC is in a way concretising the special status of the Northwest region, indicating the consolidation of the decentralization process.
"Beside the reconstruction process, Bamenda needs moral and psychological support " Deputy City Mayor.
The institution comprised of 8 staff; 6 men and 2 women, representing all the 7 divisions that make up the Northwest region. NW Governor says, he will not relent efforts to give the PIC the maximum support needed to function.
"I wish to Call on the population to appropriate this offer, as an additional tool to pacify the region, on my part and that of my team, we will mobilize support and ease the work of the PIC and stakeholders in the Northwest region".
Working with major stakeholders imvolved with the development of the Northwest region, is priority to the office of the Public indeed Conciliator, taking into consideration the necessary actions needed to hasten development in the conflict stricken region.
By Ndefru Melanie