The current health crisis faced in Cameroon and across the world has caused the Meta Cultural and Development Association, MECUDA to raise funds and purchase kits; buckets with taps, wash hand bowls,cartons of soap, face masks to help combat Covid-19, in their municipality.
The event took place on Thursday May 7th in Mbengwi at the Mbon Moto park, as people gathered to recieve the message on prevention against the Coronavirus disease.
The Meta Anti Covid Response Challenge (METACREC) and a Rural Response collaborative effort from the elites of Meta land across the national and international territory, channelled anti Covid-19 kits to the people through the administration and home based Elites.
The Honorable member of Parliament for Momo East, Injoh Spouse Foo Ngang Prodencia Awa, expressed satisfaction and showed gratitude to MECUDA for the laudable initiative. She adds that one of the elites of Meta Land, the Minister Delegate of State Audit at the Presidency, Mbah Acha Rose Nee Fomundam, had contributed immensely to the fight against Covid-19 in Meta.
" This idea is supported by her Excellency, as she donate to the community, buckets with taps, facemask, hand Sanitizers, soaps, wash hand basins, gel and as an Agent of development, I cannot work with a sick Community, that is why I took this initiative as a very important assignment, to ensure that the Community is healthy". Injoh Prodencia.
"MECUDA has come out as one man to fight against Covid-19, under the Canopy of Health, Education is also important and our Children have not gone to school for than 3years today and I also challenge MECUDA to come out as one man and ensure our children all go to school come June" She added.
While thanking Elites of the Meta Land who demonstrated that Unity is Strength through their collective efforts, she pledges to register first 5 students in schools within her constituency at school resumption and adds that the Minister, will provide for basics and schools needs for the pupils and students of the municipality.
During the Launching of the anti Covid-19 in Meta Land, The Divisional Officer officer, Esapa Jarvis thanked the Meta elites for thinking of home during the health crisis and challenged MECUDA to create an anti terrorists challenge response, to fight terrorists activities that have slowed down development in the division.
" MECUDA has used an initiative to carry out an activity, to extend a sphere of Influence considering the propagation and prevenntion of the deadly disease, Covid-19. The association has made efforts to donate materials that are required for the prevention of this virus, not only to their peers in Mbengwi but to all who live in Mbengwi." The D.O said.
"If MECUDA stands for the fight against Covid-19 and protecting persons, we also have being facing security challenges which has slowed down development, they too could also create an anti terrorist commission to bring our brothers and sisters out from the bush". He added.
According the the Home Coordinator of MECUDA, Mbamuri Anje Stephen, community health workers will go door to door to do checks and sensitize more. He adds that the launching will intensify sensitization while spreading word to other villages, because all along sensitization has been done at Mbengwi central.
Ndefru's Diary