Councilors in Andek Acquire skills through training for local development.

According to Law NO 2019/024 of December 24th 2019, to Organize and enable local authorities function, while instituting the General Code of Regional and Local Authourities, Councilors of Andek Council have gone through training, to get skills which will enable them in the discharge of their functions. 

The training took place on Tuesday September 8th 2020, with close to 20 councilors present, accompanied by the Member of Parliament, Awutah Phillip Atubah from Momo West constituency and the Mayor for Andek Council, Ubangoh Helly Manyelle Abakoh, the Secretary General and Municipal Treasurer.

Councilors were expected to know their council area,have a good knowledge of the people's plight, know the laws and basic regulations governing councils and are not expected to take decisions on behalf of the Mayor,execpt delegated to do so and for good governance, a number of points were adviced.

The population needs to be informed about activities to be carried out by councils, the elaboration and execution of budget, be aware about issues centred arround development, hygiene and sensitization, while contributing to disseminating information about the legal text and powers transferred to councils, from government.

These and more were expected from councilors as the training pointed out the key issues on which councilors were expected to work on, with their Mayors; working in committees, being part of deliberations, drawing up the budget: monitor and execute it, develop and implement plans, manage local services and how to collaborate with other actors.

Momo West has 3 councils, Andek, Njikwa and Widikum councils, therefore local development depends more on the councilors and the population, promoting partnership between the council and the private sector, strengthen relationship between the council and economic operators, to boast council revenue and enhance development.

By Ndefru Melanie


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