Back to School: Inhabitants In Tubah Prepare School Environment

The clean up excercise in Tubah schools is On

The people in Tubah sub division have mobilized themselves to carry out a clean up excercise in schools, in order to give way for their children to return to the classrooms on October 5th 2020.

The MP shows delight by taking part in clean up excercise

During part of the clean up excercise which took place on October 2nd, The Member of Parliament for Tubah/Bafut constituency, Hon Agho Oliver decides to visit the people and appreciated them for their efforts to ensure an effective Back to school, 2020/2021.

A cross section of the school that has been cleared

Schools within the Tubah sub division had been deserted for over 4years due to the Anglophone crisis that had gradually metamorphosed to an armed conflict, leaving most school structures to be engolfed by grass.

As a follow up to the MPs outing, where he encouraged over 200 pupils, assisting them in some school didatic material at the D.O's office on September 27th, the Fon of Bambili, HRH Afungchui III appreciated the efforts of the MP and that of the population.

His Royal Highness and the MP

"I was inspired by the outing of the MP to hand Didactic materials to school going children who have been orphaned by the ongoing Anglophone crisis. His donation last Sunday serve as a booster to me and my people. That's why we decided to clean this campus for an effective resumption of classes" HRH Fon Afungchui III said.

The MP talks with the People

Efforts made my men and women in cleaning the CCAST Bambili vicinity, was also saluted by Hon. Agho Oliver, as he continued to caution them no to relent their efforts to ensure and effective back to school.

Some parents who assisted in the cleaning the campus said their children are students of CCAST Bambili and they have decided collective, to come out with these children as a way to show their anxiety to encourage Back to School for all pupils and Students, in the new academic year 2020/2021.

"My kids have been home all this time since the crisis started and I decided not to move to another town or send them somewhere. This time I have decided to come out and take part in the cleaning exercise because it is my wish that my children return to school and continue uninterrupted" a Parent tells civiclens.

Another woman living in that Community tells civiclens about her anxiety for kids to begin school and says it is time to out fear aside.

"I have 4 kids and all of them have been home due to the crisis, but this year, we fill that it is a year of difference and we have decided to mobilize ourselves through collective efforts to ensure that our kids go back to school. We cannot sit back because of fear and we believe that through this move, many who have fled to other towns will return" a woman said.

Part of the Campus ready to recieve Students

The exercise is proof of the fact that many parents and people living within Tubah sub division are ready to accompany their children this coming Academic year 2020/2021.

By Ndefru Melanie



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