MINAT Boss Envisages Security Reinforcement at Matazem

MINAT Boss visits Security Check Point Matazem

The Minister of Territorial Administration, Minister Atanga Nji Paul has visited the Security Check Point at Matazem in the prescence of Governors of the West and Northwest Region to startegize and reinforce security forces at the said check point.

MINAT Boss closely assured by Both Governors (Northwest and West)

This visit took place in the early of hours of January 19th 2021, as the MINAT Boss with close aid from Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique and Awa Fonka Augustine visited the Security Post at Matazem to console and condole with civilians, Forces of Law and Order, who witnessed the incident that took away lives at the security post, Matazem.

It should be recalled that two civilians, three gendarme Officers and one police man lost their lives on January 8th, in an attack ochestrated by suspected separatists fighters at the borther town between the restive Northwest region of Cameroon and the West region.

The security forces were taken unaware by a group of armed, some of the casualties of the incident are recieving treatment in the Bafoussam Regional Hospital with others evacuated to Mbouda.

MINAT Boss Talks to Press

Pockets of resistance as referred to by the MINAT Boss, Minister Paul Atanga Nji has called on the population, especially Parents to wake up to the call of nation building, calling their children away from the bushes at report to the DDR Centres for reintegration.

"The terrorist have absolutely nothing to offer , those who are in the bushes are children and they have Parents and if they are called out of the bushes by their Parents, they will listen. We should stop playing games, we have played games for too long, we need to be sincere and examine our consciences" MINAT Boss.

By Ndefru Melanie


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