A Delegation from the Prime Ministerial Office, Yaoundé has visited the DDR Centre Bamenda and handed a sum of 3 million francs cfa to Ex-fighters, as a way of responding to their grievances, inline with a staged strike action demanding for "Fake Promises" to be met by Government, on February 15th, 2021.
The Inter-Ministerial Delegation who arrived Bamenda on February 17th 2021, had a brief "tête à tête" with the Governor of the Northwest region, Adolphe Lele Lafrique and proceeded to the DDR Centre, to announce the beginning of the reintegration process of some Ex-fighters.
A Sum of 1 million francs cfa was handed to the Regional Coordinator of the Centre, Gabsa Sixtus who will use the said amount to follow up on the acquisition of identity cards for the Ex-fighters.
Gillette Nkwain Ngam is head of the Delegation from Yaoundé, meeting the Ex-fighters of the DDR Centre in Bamenda on instructions of the Prime Minister Head of Government, Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute. He came along with representatives from 4 other Ministries; Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry, Agriculture and rural development, Youth affairs and Civic Education, a representative from MINAT. These Ministries directly concerned with the welfare of these Ex-fighters.
"We have come in a delegation, to reassure you of the commitment of the Prime Minister Head of Government in your welfare. The Prime Minister has said he is committed and likes to ensure you are happy, now and tomorrow. The intension is not only to make sure you are recruited when you leave this place but also to ensure that you can recruit some people." Head of Mission.
The Ex-fighters were marvelled at the gesture from Government to quicken their reintegration into society, yet did not fail to hand a note containing their requests to the Governor, who then handed to the head of mission from Yaoundé, to transmit to hierachy.
"The Prime Minister said he knows graduation for some of you is being scheduled to leave the Centre. For some of you to go out and start you need some basic identification document and the Prime Minister gave a sum of 1million cfa francs to assist in the production of your identity cards" Head of Mission told Ex-fighters.
Despite the financial assistance, hopes remain high on the part of Ex-fighters, especially for those who have stayed longer at the DDR centre, to leave and begin sourcing for revenue for themselves.
By Ndefru Mélanie