"It is a common fight. There are still some persons who don't respect the Covid-19 barrier measures put in place by the government. We will move one step forward, to begin sanctioning. All task forces spread in communities across the region, should start sanctioning those who are not respecting barrier measures." NW Governor.
Governor of the Northwest region, Adolphe Lele Lafrique was speaking on March 24th 2021 in Bamenda, during a tour with the medical team, visiting schools, markets, motor parks, hospitals, hotel, places considered to be crowded on a daily basis, to check that barrier measures are kept, because these areas are considered quick avenue for the virus to spread.
Information has it that, close to 40 deaths have been recorded for the month of March and this alarm has caused the Governor to put everyone on alert by going to the field to do more sensitization on Covid-19. Stating that if people are not respecting barrier measures, the Head of State, President Paul Biya will impose a curfew in order to keep everyone safe from the pandemic.
During inspection, it was noticed that many never had their facemask on, untill when they noticed the prescence of the team that came with the Governor to do checks on the respect of Covid-19 barriers. Others had their mask on, testifying that they had lost love ones to the existence of the virus.
"We are happy the Governor is among people to talk about Covid19. Many people are still relaxed about Protecting themselves or believing in its existence. His prescence here will make people know it is a serious matter, number of infected cases may reduce as well as deaths" a yam seller, tells Civiclens.
Northwest Governor, Regional Council President, The Lead for the House of Chiefs, The Regional Delegate for Public Health and his team, all of these personalities assisted in the sharing of facemasks, soap and some anti Covid19 kits to support and encourage the people to respect of barrier measures.
The Governor believed that there is need for follow up, so that sanctions will be issued to persons or institutions that don't apply barrier measures put in place by government. "Stringent measures" could be implemented if the population remain adamant in the respect of Covid-19 barrier measures.
Everyone is oblidge to put on a facemask and wash their hands, keep distancing but for the thought of the conflicting ideas existing about the disease and what needs to be done is the main challenge. The Regional Delegate of Public Health, Kingsley Che Nsoh explains why everyone must be serious in making efforts to keep these barrier measures.
"In 2021, the number positive cases are increasing on a daily basis, at thesame time loosing lives. Last week 14 people died as a result of the virus. Let's not stand in our numbers on one spot especially in funeral Celebrations. Let people go to the hospital and get information, not seek help from a wrong sources and get attended to, when its late". Kingsley Che Nsoh.
Symptoms like high fever, cough, sneezing, lost of taste, difficulties in breathing are some.of the signs that should cause someone to rush to a nearby clinic for check up. Covid-19 is real according to medics and to fight this, they need the population to keep barrier measures for safety.
By Ndefru Mélanie