CAGEAD Trains Peace Ambassadors, Launches Manual on UNSCR 1325

Group Picture of Trainees

Over 30 persons have been trained by the Centre for Advocacy in Gender Equality and Action for Development ( CAGEAD), to be Peace Ambassadors; set up Peace Clubs in their different Communities, using the simplified manual of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325) to address the issue of Women, Peace and Security at grassroot levels.

"There is awareness at the national level, where women's participation is of utmost concern. More of it is being said than done, reason why CAGEAD has taken upon itself to localize Resolution 1325, bringing it closer to the people at the grassroot level" CEO CAGEAD, Waah Clotilda Andiensa.

Trainees and Stakeholders in group picture

Launching UNSCR1325 manual in the prescence of other stakeholders took place in Bamenda on April 23rd 2021 to enable trainees use the skills acquired from the trainings given them, to implement the plan that will identify key operational areas that deals with the different issues negatively impacting on the lifes of women and girls.

An idea born out of the Benjing Conference in 1995 who sat to give value to the work Women Peace builders do, Resolution 1325 is now contextualized in local reality.

The project decides to involve communities within Bamenda I and Bamenda III at its pilot phase, with hopes to spread to other communities depending on the impact and feedback from its already ongoing activities.

Mayor Bamenda III Council

The Mayor of Bamenda III, Fonguh Cletus appreciated CAGEAD for her activities on Peace Building, involving women and men, more especially give women the pride of place. " Amongst my Councilors, I have 11 women and among my council staff I have over 30 female staff. I believe each of them in their own way play a part in the Peace building process".

Regional Delegate of Women Empowerment and the family

Wirba Arsan, Regional Delegate of women empowerment and the familly, launches the simplified manual of Resolution 1325 urging CAGEAD to keep peacebuliders closer by digital means, so that the team will work on a couple of projects to bring an end to the ongoing crisis turned an armed conflict.

CAGEAD decides to engage women and men by implementing the project: "Strengthening Grassroots women participation in Peace and Security through Community awareness raising on UNSCR1325", in order to involve women at the grassroots to be part of the peace building process because women are more victimized during conflict situations.

Despite the negative impact the crisis plays on women and girls, CAGEAD believes that training women, providing them with the tools needed in the Peace Building process will result to sustainable peace, using diverse concerted local approaches.

Though most women have interest in being part of the process, they are still limited due to lack of opportunities and capabilities to engage effectively, yet women are the first group of persons who will organize lamentation campaigns to denounce killings.


"We have simplified the language on the UN Security Resolution document, providing knowledge for the women at the grassroots to understand what participation, protection and prevention means and also revealing to them how to participate in the recovery and rebuilding of their communities" CEO CAGEAD.

CAGEAD empowers women in skills and knowledge on Resolution 1325, fostering the women peace and Security, promoting the respect of women's right within communities, asking different stakeholders to accept this project in their communities by allowing women participate in recovery and rebuilding the Community.

Food items for Participants

As a way to support the women peace builders more apart from standing by them in their awareness activities, CAGEAD offers; rice, palm oil, salt, savon, maggi, eggs as basic food items needed in times of Crisis.

Toh Sylvester is a grassroot mobilizer and he tells press that he will be using his experience, with tools acquired from the trainings he had from CAGEAD to make men and women work in synergy towards peacebuilding.

"This launching is the climax of the multiple trainings we have had. CAGEAD has provided us with tools to move down to our communities, using the knowledge we have acquired to have men and women work in synergy in peacebuilding process".

"I will use my experience to bring both men and women together, discussing peace at the micro level, starting from our homes which is a good setting, starting with 10members in order to avoid harrasement, misunderstanding or negative feedback from the community, gradually the number will grow". Toh Sylverster, a trainee with CAGEAD.

Trainees made up of 20 women and 10 men recieved their certificates, to show proof of the knowledge obtained and how to best apply Resolution 1325 in their different Communities. It is expected that the project will yield several outcomes like;

Changing Community attitudes and positive impressions towards women's participation in the Peace process, great awareness will be onUNSCR 1325 by grassroot men and women, involve grassroot women in leadership and Peace building initiatives, and that there will be more engagement with men, Community leaders to support women's involvement and participation in Community peace processes.

By Ndefru Melanie


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