Though pro-independent fighters in their "usual way" announced their prescence arround the Mankon Fon's Palace, the elite of Mankon have vowed to ensure that the stretch of road from Mile 8 Mankon to the Mankon Palace is tarred, especially that from End of Tar Alachu down to the Palace.
It should be noted that tarring the stretch of road from the Ntambeng Catholic Church to the Mankon Palace has been the wish of every native in Mankon, which according to them will be a dream come true, so that buisness will flourish in the rural area.
Edge Construction Company, the sole contractor who has engaged in the road project, will commence work soonest on the said stretch of road, though some weeks ago there were reports on the kidnap of drivers and their fingers mutilated.
Other reports that revealed, heavy duty vehicles were seized from the company and the cashier kidnapped. These amongst many other forms of threat have greatly slowed the execution of the works in that part of town.
Earmarked in 1987, the road to the first class Fondom of Mankon is yet to be constructed. Security challenges have been the main reason why majority of projects in the Northwest region fail, and Edge construction company not being indifferent is gradually losing interest in the project.
In order for the project to succeed this time arround, the people in Mankon having accepted and welcomed the idea, will have to ensure that all those concerned in the execution of the project are protected. The pro-independent fighters are not starngers or spirits, but are humans known by Indegenes in Mankon.
Cletus Anye Matoya, Elite of Mankon and General Manager of the North West Development Authority, MIDENO expressed disappointment, as he referred to those acting as a hindrance to the project; "our own children should welcome this rod project and if possible get involve to realize it".
"We have to improve on the accessibility to the palace come rain, come shine. Those who think that the road is not for the Mankon man should have a rethink" Cletus Anye Matoya, Elite Mankon and GM MIDENO
Most of the road construction in the urban perimetre of Bamenda is in Mankon. It our project and we must stand by it" Matorya told the people.
Prof Fru Angwafo III, President of the Regional Assembly and Elite of Mankon, said "Parents should do everything within their power to instill discipline in their children".
The People of Mankon stand a great benefit, if the project to succeed. But if they people themselves don't collaborate for the road to pass and for development to follow, then the opportunity will be given to another area which is calm.
The development of the Northwest region revolves arround decisions the sons of Mankon will make. Cletus Anye Matoya heads MIDENO, his tribesmen and Prof Fru Angwafo III heads the regional assembly, a perfect blend to best reach the aspirations of the local man.
His Royal Majesty Fon S.A.N Angwafo III reminded the population that the construction of this road is a dream come through and they must ensure it delivered with the shortest time possible.
It is during that occasion that the Mayor of Bamenda II, Chenwi Peter promised to roof one of the buildings currently lacking a roof at the entrance to the palace, setting the pace for more to come.
By Ndefru Mélanie
Quotes: Observer237