Commemorating the international day of the African child under the theme " 30years after the adoption of the chartar: accelerate the implementation of agenda 2040 for an Africa fit for children", was an opportunity to understand that educating a girl child is key.
The event aimed at raising awareness on the importance of education in Africa, highlighting the challenges faced by children in Africa and the adverse effects it has had in their education.
Girl children are abused on daily basis, others sent to early marriages, sexual violence is on the rise as children are being raped, which gradually become a hindrance to their education.
Majority of these childden who are in the suburbs are unable to go to school since the environment is hostile/tensed. Several gun battles and threats have put the children in fright.
With this, they are unable to pursue their education while others have been left as internally displaced persons and cannot further their education and have remained homeless.
Fozao Vaniela