Bamenda II Councilors Validate Allowances for Mayor/Deputies

Councilors validate Minister's decision

Bamenda II Councilors sat in an extra ordinary meeting on September 25th 2021, to validate through deliberations, the decision taken by the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development - MINDEVEL Elanga Obam Georges, fixing allowances for Mayors and Deputies within Councils.

Mayor Chenwi Peter, Bamenda II Council

According to the Mayor of Bamenda II Council Chenwi Peter, the decision from the Minister comes to boost their ability in conflict management, living within an era where security challenges is top priority while operating within a Context full of constraints.

"For over 2 years now, we have not had a fix rate of Allowances that are being paid to Mayors. The Minister has come out with a decision fixing allowances for all Mayors as per Council levels and that for us to have this, it must be validated in a Council session".

"We were working without a fix allowance, this was very difficult. Working without knowing your financial status, because finances is a booster to ones job" Mayor Chenwi Peter, Bamenda II explained.

Councilors Bamenda II Council

Inline with Decree of September 2nd 2020, that lays down terms and conditions for the renumeration, allowances and benefits granted to Mayors, councilors across the Northwest region, will deliberate and resolve on the above in order for Mayors and Deputies to be paid. 

Partial View of the Hall

The decision, charged from the 2021 Council budget, an extra ordinary session at the Bamenda II Council holds to meet up with a deadline given, being September 30th just few weeks after the Council sat for their mid year evaluation session.

SDO for Mezam

The Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh reminded councilors of their task, representing the council and what is expected of them. 

Heap of dirt, causing health Hazards needing Council's attention

He shun the attitude of Councilors focusing on the aspect of sitting allowances each time they are conveyed, telling them that the routine has become costly for the council.

Simon Emile Mooh, Mezam SDO

"It is costly for the council, if you should have extraordinary sessions every week. This session holds in order to be in conformity with the law and mainly on the instruction coming from MINDEVEL". SDO, Mezam.

The Mayor, Secretary General and Treasurer are incharge with strict implementation of the deliberations arrived at during the extraordinary session.

By Ndefru Melanie

CivicLens delivers the news as it is and provides solutions for common workflows, engage citizens in up to date Information, while maintaining a secure system of record for assets and activities, improving service delivery, and increasing citizen satisfaction.

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