Journalists under the umbrella of the Cameroon Community Media Network sat in a meeting with its partners, the PCC to discuss and make suggestions on how the Peace Journalism and Conflict transformation project can be improved through reporting.
The Peace department of the PCC, Northwest Chapter have in a meeting ascertain the success of programs done by Journalists on peace in accordance with its peace journalism and Conflict transformation project launched in 2020.
"I wish to appreciate members of the members of the CCMN Northwest Chapter, they did a great job because they are the highest to have produced quality programs that reflect the standards that our partners want. For the broadcasting of these programs, they shall contacted". Project Lead, Nkeng Juliet.
Journalists drawn from different platforms; TV, Radio, Print and Online were tasked to produce programs, write-ups to best educate different communities across the Northwest region on the need for peace to return in the restive region.
The project manager says Journalists will be contacted in the days ahead to best disseminate the programs produced, for great impact to be realized as part of the project's goal.
Project Assistant Jude Ntam says the journey producing programs with the Journalists was smooth, counting 34 programs produced so far with the time spent being worth the salt.
During the workshop journalists were shared into 3 groups for group work, as they used the Buea incident to examined gory Images online and it's impacts. Some participants explained that there were better ways, to use best practices and report the story.
Other Journalists mentioned that Hatespeech had greatly affected their reporting, yet believed that peace journalism principles will serve as a guide in times of the ongoing armed conflict in the region.
The event took place at Church Center, Small Mankon-Bamenda, Northwest region, chaired by the PCC Peace Manager for Northwest and West Regions, Nkeng Julliette and National Coordinator for CCMN Northwest Region, charter representative Pedmia Shatu.
By Ndefru Melanie