Reboot-Youths: National Civic Education Program Takes Shape

In a workshop where the program allows youths to learn about civility or citizenship, permitting citizens to learn about fundamental values ​​of peace and socialization in a national multi-ethnic community, Youth Affairs Minister closely accompanied by members of the government, all came together to study the implementation tools. 

Cameroonian Youths are known to be endowed with talents and intelligence, but in a context where Internet users via social networks publish messages of hatred and tribalism, it cannot be overemphasized that Cameroonian Youths should be aware and concerned about the development of their country. .

REAMORCE which is in line with the Special Triennial Plan for Young People (PTS-Jeunes), it aims to clean up and restore the morals, uncivil behavior of Cameroonian citizens. This second phase has as a major axis the enhancement of morality,

In order to allow each citizen to learn about civility, acquiring knowledge on the fundamental values ​​of peace and socialization in a multi-ethnic, multicultural and rapidly changing national community like Cameroon, the said workshop was indeed the place to carry out an evaluation of the programs. 

According to Daniel Dr NGOA NGUELE, talking on the development of the multidimensional and multifunctional field, 4 social categories were studied: age and time of life, gender, social and professional position, level of knowledge. 

Divided into five axes of orientation, namely; fundamental rights, education and access to knowledge, cultural and social, governance and many others.

These different elements made it possible to go through engineering which took into account the models of classification. The excerpt was as well, a civic education program which is structured into five chapters. 

The third chapter which presents the vision of this national Civic program. This vision takes into account the Moral Civic and Entrepreneurial Rearmament which is included in the civic education program with reference to the different educational and professional sectors.

Youth Affairs Minister

MINJEC stressed that "this program, which targets all social strata, aims to enable each citizen to learn how to behave in society, respecting  fundamental values ​​which allows one to establish his/her socialization in a multi-ethnic, multicultural, multifunctional community."

"The national Civic Program is inspired by the foundations of "mindset education" or "education for change of mentality" of Korean origin, as well as the principles of approach through Competences, with entries through life situations".

Partners who contributed to the development of the said program; the Korean partner, International Youth Fellowship (IYF), for its expertise and support throughout the process. 

"It should be remembered that IYF has already shown its ability to transform young people through Mindset Education, like in other countries, which aims among other things, to promote the values ​​of peace, work, democracy and solidarity" MINJEC.

Youths engaging in the National Civic program are expected to develop some values; altruism, entrepreneurial spirit, honesty in business, diligence at work, professionalism and patriotism. 

By Ndefru Melanie


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