Radio, apart from other media outlets is considered one of the most efficient tools for communication which brings development to any community. Unfortunately, this good is a rare for most divisions in the Northwest region; geographical features can hinder transmission of information or reception and there is a major problem of electricity/power supply.
"Before people will depend only on rumours and take it for gospel truth. But now, it is hoped that the national station and other key radio signals from Bamenda can be relayed in Andek for our people to have verified information from genuine sources." Ubangoh Jelly, Mayor of Andek Council.
Andek Council is situated in the heart of Momo Division – bounded on the east by Njikwa, to the south by Widekum – Menka subdvision; to the West by Batibo Sub Division and to the North by Mbengwi Sub division.
It's has a population of about 18000 inhabitants settled out on a predominantly hilly surface area of 4000 sq km distributed into 19 autonomous villages including a few Mbororos.
In order to reach her people with authentic information, while debunking rumour, the Mayor of Andek Council succeeds in realizing a Community Radio project intended to better inform her people about council activities and other announcements that concern her municipality and Ngie subdivision at large.
The radio in Andek is expected to being economic impact on the people and in the municipality at large.
"Ngie has been blocked from recieving information because its a hilly area and radio signals from Bamenda or the National station don't reach Andek. The council had to step in and bridge the gap. With this station we are able to deliver genuine information to the population, which will enhance the development of the area".
"Very often we have had things to share to the population but because of the crisis people hesitate to carry letters for fear of the fighters. With the radio, information will go direct from the council to the community." Mayor of Andek Council.
Andek Council is a decentralized collectivity for Ngie Sub Division in Momo Division of the North West Region, in Cameroon. It was created in 1992 by a Prime Ministerial Decree.
The major activity in Ngie is agriculture; the people farm tree crop agriculture with tubers and root crops highly produced.
Ngie is spoken in nineteen villages north of Widikum and south of Oshie in Momo Division.
MOMO Division has 5 subdivisions; Batibo, Mbengwi, Njikwa, Widikum and Ngie (Andek) - Subdivisional Office is located in Andek.
By Ndefru Melanie