Ndiwane Joseph, Head of Mission MINJEC to the Northwest region has revealed during the launch of a 2 day capacity building workshop for trainers that the Online Moral, Civic and Entrepreneurial Rearmament platform - REAMORCE for national civic education tragets over 680 youths in the Northwest region.
"We are interested in the offline REAMORCE program, the software is now available and can be downloaded from play store. From the 16th - 27th February, over 680 youths are expected to go through this program and prepare themselves to benefit from the new pioneer village and cluster" Head of Mission.
According to these experts from Yaoundé, the program has been made official at the national level and should be diseminated at the Regional and at the divisional levels.
The Online Moral, Civic and Entrepreneurial Rearmament platform - REAMORCE was officially launched on January 14, 2021 in Yaoundé, Cameroon by the Minister of Youth and Civic Education (Minjec) Mounouna Foutsou.
The ceremony coupled with the delivery of installation kits to Juniors-Entrepreneurs-Consultants and young people installed in innovative clusters of the digital economy and renewable energies.
The objective of REAMORCE is to clean up and restore morality, the uncivil behavior of Cameroonian citizens and young people in particular, by instilling in them a dose of motivation necessary to effectively and efficiently assume their future missions as managers and contractor.
Through this, boosting the moral, civic and entrepreneurial values of young people is aimed at enabling them to tend towards a model of young people who, by their ways of doing, thinking and acting
The regional capacity building workshop in the Northwest region, which held in Bamenda launched REAMORCE offline. According to the Secretary General at the Governor's office, the training of trainers will facilitate the integration of youths in the socio-economic domain.
"This capacity building workshop for the training of trainers to empower the youths to facilitate their insertion in the socio-economic domain which is inline with the engagement and commitment of the Head of State through the 3 year special youth plan. This is a sign that the Head of State is determined to solved problems faced by youths by taking into consideration their difficulties and improve their living conditions", Viang Mekala, SG Governor's office.
The first Deputy for Bamenda I, welcoming the team from Yaoundé appreciated efforts made by MINJEC. Describing the 3 year youth plan as a "great step in the follow up of youths to play their role during emergence in 2035; A plan that guides youths from uncivil practices, juvenile delinquency, illegal immigration".
MINJEC NW, under the supervision of the Regional Delegate, Mbanwie Odilia Fri reiterated that youths in the in her jurisdiction were not quite informed about the Three year special youth plan. She encouraged youths to register with the national youth observatory to enjoy the largesse of the Head of State, His Excellency President Paul Biya.
"Most youths are not aware of this program. Most of them have lukewarm attitude. I wish to encourage them that the money is there for their projects; to be trained in buisness plan and entrepreneurship and gain from what the Head of State promised".
"It's important for the youths to be included in this project, we are encouraging them to register and benefit from the largesse of the head of state. We have over 3000 registered, over 1000 that have been financed already and in almost all the subdivisions we have pioneer villages. We have clusters and individual projects, they are all there and are functioning. I follow them up and I think they are doing well".
"Launching the program for national civic education has been made official at the national level and we must diseminate it at the Regional and at the divisional level. We have kits to give out and have a working session with concerntrate services with MINJEC, so that they can start with the first batch of 20 youths in their various subdivisions" Ndiwane Divine, Head of Mission MINJEC.
Trainers will be updated on the buisness canibal concept which is the methodology of online working with young people buisness plan and will be expected to be able to develop and come out with a sample buisness plan from different subdivisions.
By Ndefru Melanie