Ngaoundére: Channels to Fight Against Corruption Established

The National Anti-Corruption Commission innovative version is here, the official launch of this campaign was carried out by the governor of the Adamaoua region, Kildadi Taguieke Boukar last Wednesday at the University of Ngaoundéré.

The Anti-Corruption Commission is setting up an innovative platform that is expected to adapt to denouncing acts of corruption and similar offences. A toll-free number and an IT platform created with the mission of collecting denunciations, reports or alerts of cases of corruption and similar offences, and to deal with them.

Presented this April 20, 2022 at the 750 amphitheater, turned out to be too narrow to contain this important movement, the event which brought together around the governor of the Adamawa region and close collaborators.

The rector of the University of Ngaoundéré, the prefect of the department of Vina, the mayor of the city, the mayors of the three districts of Ngaoundéré, regional delegates, heads of services and assimilated from the public and private sectors and the cops of dang.

Three important joints punctuated the said ceremony, Adamawa will keep its place as the first national in the fight against corruption, the commitment has been made in unison, the region will appropriate these new tools put at their disposal assures the regional governor.

The establishment of these whistleblowing channels aims to strengthen and improve the system for preventing and combating corruption and similar offences, so as to instil more transparency in the management of public affairs.

In the event of concordant facts or a proven violation, Conac is empowered to seize the competent authorities, but also to ensure respect for the anonymity of whistleblowers, concluded Mr. Fotung Samuel, member of the CONAC coordination committee and representative staff of the chairman of the anti-corruption commission.

"This is a new anti-corruption communication strategy set up by Conac. The population can thus denounce all forms of corruption from their mobile phone in order to avoid the hassles associated with displacement".

By Ibrahim in Adamawa

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