Health: Preparations leading to Inauguration of the Garoua General Hospital

A few hours before the cutting of the ribbon symbolizing the official opening of this infrastructure to the general public, the pace of preparations is accelerating.

Since daybreak, the General Hospital of Garoua has been teaming with people. Inside the buildings, small hands continue to clean and correct all the imperfections noted.

During this time, the esplanade is invaded by tents which have been set up and arranged, up to here, on the left wing. A truck full of chairs, to be placed under these tents, has just stopped in the large courtyard.

In front of a cable box, agents from the telephone company, Camtel, are busy strengthening the site's connectivity to the telecommunications network.

At the same time, banners are being unfurled at the main entrance of the hospital, as well as in certain points of the city.

On another pole, the hostesses, under the auspices of the Minsanté protocol, do the reconnaissance of the hospital circuit and are briefed on their role.

All these signs indicate the imminence of the event.

Updates from the North Region of Cameroon

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