Youth Connekt Cameroon Initiative Celebrates 3 years: Recounts Strengths, Weaknesses

The Youth Connekt was first launched by the Government of Rwanda in 2012. It is therefore through this that Cameroon got  interested in this concept and put in place a process of mobilization and consultation of young people, key stakeholders, which resulted in the official launch on December 9, 2019.

It had as general objective of sustainably improving the socio-economic empowerment and civic engagement of young people for better involvement in the country's development. 

As specific objectives, the Youth Connekt aims to create job opportunities and strengthen youth entrepreneurship; strengthen civic education, citizen participation and social cohesion; to strengthen inter- and intra-generational interconnection; reduce the gender gap. 

The Resident Representative of UNDP on behalf of the Agencies of the United Nations System, partners of the Youth Connekt Cameroon Program, Allasane on behalf of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and welcomed the holding of this celebration of the Year 3 of Youth Connect Cameroon.

According to him, the agencies of the United Nations system are stakeholders in the implementation of this initiative, Youth Connekt Cameroon, whose vision is to connect young people to socio-economic opportunities for their employability. 

Returning to the balance sheet, there are few areas such as agriculture, ICT, the promotion of peace and social dialogue, the interconnection of young people through a digital platform for pooling and meeting young entrepreneurs. 

The results are the fruit of the efforts and leadership of the Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou. In more perspective, it is expected that there wi be mobilization of resources, consider the transition from innovative projects to an economy of scale.

Since its establishment in 2019, the results have remained positive under the guidance and leadership of the Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou.

Among others, there are: 04 regional sessions of Bootcamps organized; 2,314 young people trained in entrepreneurship and leadership; 349 young project leaders funded and supported in various fields, for 861 young people integrated into decent jobs and self-employment; Ongoing development of an inclusive platform for interconnecting young people from universities, colleges, etc. 

By sector of activity; Organization of a mini-fair 100% made in Cameroon for the benefit of young beneficiaries of UNDP and Minjec support.

Communication Unit, MINJEC

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