Councillors, deputy Mayors and Mayor of Bamenda 2 council have been installed by the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh. This occasion comes few days after Mayors have been sworn in at the court of first instance in Bamenda.
The installation takes place Tuesday March 17th in the prescence of indegenes from Mankon, friends and familly Members.
The Mayor of Bamenda 2, Peter Chenwi, under the umbrella of the CPDM party, is expected to take over office for the next 5years, through which he is called to deliver to the people of Bamenda 2 Municipality and meet their aspirations.
The Mayor of Bamenda 2, Peter Chenwi tells the people about the series of challenges he faced in his steps,aspiring to be Mayor of Bamenda 2. He mentions security challenges in the Region being one of the major obstacle faced and didn't fail, thanking the population and militants for voting the CPDM list to victory.
He acknowledged the the work done by the security forces, who ensured free and fair elections,on February 9th, for a harmonious development of the municipality.
"My Collaborators and team are called to take action for development to a higher level, and the post of a Mayor is to render service to the population, with Bamenda 2 council has investing in the hands of personels to bring development to the people and meet it's goals". Mayor Bamenda 2, Peter Chenwi.
He mentions different projects earmarked to improve living conditions of the people, to manage all issues related to hygiene and sanitation, improve sanitation at all levels, solve water supply challenges, to be regulated by providing public taps.
"The council intends to contribute to help for the return of normalcy to the region, empower business men n women by reducing rents n taxes to ease their functioning, and improve road networks" He said
"Basic necessities will be extended to other areas, council will provide scholarship opportunities for schools and redyreduce unemployment by providing jobs.
He called on all those who were involved in the February 9th twin elections, to come together as one man "United we stand Divided we fall."
"We are ready to deliver the goods because the head of state has decided to empower the youths, reason why you see us taking the command barton and we need your support as a people to succeed, it is a party for development, we have projects and we must mobilize ourselves as one man so that we can succeed." Mayor Bamenda 2
The SDO for Mezam, installing Mayor deputy mayors and councillors, appreciated the dynamic nature of the Head of state in his attempt to solve the armed conflict, through the Decentralization process granting a special status to the Northwest n Southwest regions.
"Congratulations for the success recorded during the municipal elections, Mr Mayor, I call on you to take seriously the functions you and your councilors are called to take up, as Mayor you shall represent and perform all acts in preserving all State property n ascets." SDO Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh.
"Preparing and proposing the budget, ensuring the execution of development programs, creating council road networks" he added.
The Mayor of Bamenda 2 has been called to rehabilate the road network, monitor and closely follow up revenue collection, work in close collaborations with the different villages through their development association. And work closely with supervisory authorities.
"Be there to serve not to be served, work as a team, lead in a way that democracy culture n tolerance with mutual acceptance be the other of the day" SDO Mezam.
This reporter gathered that the First Deputy Mayor, Che Louis Angwafor is still in Captivity with the separatists fighters while 2nd deputy mayor, Njoko Frida is an Enam Student and a senior controller of Treasury, while playing a role in WCPDM Bamenda 2.
Mayor of Bamenda 2, born 5th Aug 1977, got his advanced level in 1999 and master degree program in communication science later. He is a PhD research student in information and Development and has studied in Nigeria and Nairobi Kenya, further gained political exerience in the CPDM party since 2002.