The Medical team and the Administration of the Northwest region have recieved; 250 complete beds, 6 X-ray machines, 6 minor surgery kits and 7 portable ultrasound, worth over 500million, to be distributed to district hospitals in the Northwest region, especially those which had registered Covid-19 cases.
The presentation of gifts to the administration and medical team, with reception, took place on July 21st 2020 at Upstation Bamenda, in the presence of district heads and other health personels concerned with the reception of the anti-Covid kits.
According to the Mayor of the Bamenda City Council, the gesture from Government was timely, to help curb the spread of the disease and called on all to "reciprocate this act of love" from the government by adhering to the preventive measures put in place by the World Health Organization and enforced by Government.
"The gifts from Government are worth over 500 million to the various health units in this region and we want to say that these equipment are so valuable that it takes only the understanding of the users to appreciate the government. Nobody gives without love and if the government has given to us we should reciprocate it", Mayor Achombang Tambeng Paul.
Regional Delegate, Public Health
To the Regional Delegate of Public health, Che Kingsley Nsoh, 11 structures will in the days ahead, benefit from these equipment; Santa, Tubah, Batibo, Nkwen, Mendankwe,CMA Mankon, Bambalang, Mbengwi(2) health centers, and Regional Hospital Bamenda
He did not leave out mentioning the quarantine centers that will be recieving a good number of beds, others that we will going to be, at the low cost houses. "so we are going to be reserving 80 beds that we will be using to hospitalise Covid19 patients" he added. Some of the recipients shared their feelings about the gesture from the Government.
DMO, Mbengwi recieves kit
The District Medical head in Mbengwi, says the centre has registered cases and the main problem is the denial syndrome. "Mbengwi health District is one of those districts that have been affected by the covid 19 pandemic; we have had 5 confirmed cases and 2 deaths. one of the greatest challenges we are having is denial of the population, about the existence of the Covid19 pandemic. Most of the people are refusing to take the measures, reason why the district health service in collaboration with all the chief of integrated health centres are using all at their disposal to educate the population in collaboration with the administration of Mbengwi central sub division to fight this ignorance." Iwu David, DMO, Mbengwi Health District.
DMO, Tubah health District recieves kit from SDO
Dingana Therence, Medical District head of the Tubah Hospital, says the gifts are of high quality and a quick response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"We have recieved gifts from the Government, particularly allocated for the fight against Covid-19. Tubah Hospital has greatly been affected by Covid-19, we have had 15cases, 1dead. These gifts will encourage and boost our morals in managing Covid-19. We had problems of space and beds, now we have received 15beds, portable ultra sound machine, to diagnose other health issues. The equipments recieved are really of high quality. Though I would have wished that Government's focus should have been been to provide us with oxygen cylinders, oxygen machines, because most Covid-19 patients die of respiratory distress", Dingana Therence, DMO, Tubah subdivision.
Governor Adolphe Lele L'Afrique.
The Governor of the Northwest Region, Adolphe Lele L'Afrique who assisted in the reception of the medical kits from Government, congratulated the medics for their sacrifice in saving lifes, recalling that it was for thesame reason the Head of State, President Paul Biya extended the retirement age for Health personels.
He also observed with dismay, the resistance of others who continue to neglect Preventive measures to guard against Covid-19.
"There are still some persons behaving as if there is no problem. There are reports of more than 400 cases reported in the city of Bamenda; being the core of the Northwest region, with our very own negligence, this will spread to other districts not affected. So we must double our efforts, revamp the task forces to shun out this disease" Governor of the Northwest Region.
"We are now at the 2nd phase; the Community contamination, if we don't take precautions and respect barrier Measures, we will play a greater role infecting our love ones. However field control is planned for the days ahead, to come up with new measures and sanctions will be meted on defaulters". He added.
He pleaded with the population to ease the task of the medical staff and ask that people "should refrain from being agents of transmission
By Ndefru Melanie