Kumba City Mayor Begins Maintainance on Earth Roads

Kumba City Mayor, Gregory Mewanu

Mayor Gregory Mewanu, working in close collaboration with Mayors from the subdivisions, within his jurisdiction has began giving earth roads within Kumba Municipality, a new face.

Much work has been done already within Kumba I subdivision, which carries over 40% of the project's attention and the others have 30% each. Through collaboration with the Mayors, he continues to plead that proposals for priority roads be tabled, which to him makes work easier.

"Ressources are sometimes limited. We may not have enough money to attend to all roads but as the Kumba City Mayor, the Developmental Budget has been shared to Kumba I, II and III . Kumba I will have 40%, Kumba II 30% and Kumba III 30%." Kumba City Mayor.

"We will attend to all the roads in the 3 subdivisions simultaneously. Before the rains, we hope to have touched total amount of earth roads earmarked for the 2021" Gregory Mewanu, Kumba City Mayor.

Inhabitants arround the Kumba Market area were thankful to the Kumba City Mayor who quickly came to their rescue when they cried foul.

"This area was a dumping ground and we are happy that the City Mayor has heard our cry and has come to our aid. The area was nasty and drug dealers use to use a portion of the area to smoke.This made movement difficult, one is very scared to move about in the night", A lady told Civiclens.

"It has been a cry for those of us arround the Kumba Market area, other streets have been maintained but this one has been left out. Thanks to the Kumba City Mayor we are experiencing development. This street leads to the Kumba high and also gives money to the Kumba City Council,gratitude goes to the Kumba City Mayor, Mayor Gregory Mewanu." A buisness Man said.

It is worth noting that the Kumba City Mayor has began work and dwelled on priority roads in Kumba I and home that work will move on progressively for the other subdivisions, working in collaboration with the Mayors.

Roads touched will be; Part of Mbonge road, an area in Kumba town, Alaska Street, Limumba road, the high court street; the market road. A very startegic economic road in Kumba Municipality.

The road around the District hospital and the road leading to the SDO's residence. All these roads are found in Kumba I and soonest work will move to Bonakama and mile I before the team heads on to Kumba II.

By Ndefru Melanie


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