NW Regional Council President Recommends Moral Rearmament, Human Development

Regional Bureau President handing Speech to Governor

Prof. Fru Angwafor President for the Regional Executive Bureau has embarked on a new narrative, requesting everyone to do a self assessment and turn a new leaf. He has hopes to make Northwest region a citadel of culture, while speaking of a collective and parliamentary spirit of work.

"The Special status takes note of the specificities of the Anglophone sub system because the election in its competition was special. The task ahead may be daunting, but there is need for proper human development; every individual should have a positive thinking, this gets to the familly before it radiates to the Community" Prof. Fri Angwafor, President for the Regional Executive Bureau.

Prof. Fru Angwafor Speaking in Bamenda, at installation ceremony

He was speaking in Bamenda, Northwest Region of Cameroon, on Jan 22nd 2021 during the maiden installation of Regional Council Executives and members of the Regional Executive Bureau; 8 members of executive of the Regional assembly.

The Installation of Regional Executive Bureau takes place a week after their oath taking into office in the court of appeal, January 14th. Prof. Fru Angwafor urged the local population to collaborate massively to make sure that the House of Chiefs give an idellible mark in the discharge of their functions.

"We don't need to be fighting the past but building the future. A positive mind in everything, finds gold in refuse." 

Bamenda City Mayor

The city mayor mounted the rostrum and appreciated the governor for his resilience in handling affairs of the ongoing conflict and mentions that the existence of the Regional Executive bureau will quicken a solution in the restive region. 

NW Governor

The Governor of the Northwest region, Adolphe Lele Lafrique is convinced that Prof. Fru Angwafor being a son of the soil and of the royal household, will know the right quarters in the region that need cleansing.

The Regional house of assembly has a bicameral, its pioneer members went through the hall of honour, embracing the decentralized policy
to pilot local development.

Regional Executive Bureau

Same installation exercise happened across the national territory, Regional Councilors installed by their Regional Governors. In the case of the Northwest region, pioneer members were found worthy of the command batton given to them.


Prof. Fru Angwafor born April 17th 1955, had his royal beginnings till 1966. He is said to have contributed immensely at public health for 43years, earned a Cameroon role of Valor, his works according to the Governor is a matter of national pride. 

The Vice, Fon Yakum Kevin from
Bambalang leads in the House of Chiefs.

Awunti Gheunti, a Social and Cooperate expert, with experience in developing buisness especially in risk financement techniques. Was born 1970 in Kumba and has knowledge in Cooperate Management.

Fundufe Lydia from Nkambe, born on October 1960 is experienced in Mainstreaming Gender and is at the helm of the Health and Social development commission.

Fri Manjo Rose is from Batibo, Momo Division, born January 4th 1972. Commisions Sports and culture also mainstreams in gender. Kalak Mbonteh is
Community Development Oriented
and from Donga Mantung.

Questor, Regional House of Assembly

Fon Bahmbi

Fon Bahmbi, a Fon in Aghem land, Wum- Menchum Division is a Secetary in the Regional Executive Bureau. The Questor, Jude Waindim was born on october 10 1963, hails from Boyo and is the former Secetary General of the Bamenda City Council.


Their Installation comes as a relief pill to the Northwest Response to the Crisis. Amongst other expectations, the Regional Council
is incharge of Local development, it authorizes the revenue and expenditure of the region, manage properties of the region and monitor particularly the movement of property.

The Vice President of the Regional Executive council shall chair the proceedings in the House of Chiefs and aid the President of the regional Council in the discharge of their duty.

The Regional Commissioner for economic development shall be charged with the implementation of policy of the region in the field of economic action, environment and natural resources management, planning and territorial development, public works, town planning and housing.

Regional commissioner for health and social development will implent the excercise in the field of social action.

For the commission of Education, Sport and cultural development,  the policy will exert power In Education, literacy, vocational training, youths, sports and promotion of local languages.

The Secetary and the Questor shall perform duties in addition to the functions to be left out by the standing order of the regional executive Council.

Dance groups

By Ndefru Melanie

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