Famillies Cry Foul After Destruction Caused By Heavy Wind/Rains

Electric Pole fall due to Heavy winds.

People living in some quaters in Bamenda are now living the impact of heavy rains, instead of being glad as the dusty atmosphere is gone, they now begin to wonder and ponder what the days ahead will look like, as many now wake up to electric poles, trees fallen to the ground and the roof top of some houses destroyed.

Wall shattered by heavy rain/wind

The Wall/Fence shattered to the ground

A familly in Ngomgham Mankon, woke up one morning to discover that the wall shielding their home from the main road had fallen to the ground, given the heavy rains and wind that blew the previous night. Some people who came to the scene said those constructing with poor material should be blamed.

Nature of the environment in Bamenda during the rainy period

During this rainy period in Bamenda, many road users, including farmers complain about bad roads, potholes filled and the slippery nature of the road, which make movement very difficult.

According to discursions heard in taxis, buses, bars or roadside talks, the rainy season is much prefered to the dry season, but for the fact that the heavy down pour and winds has negative effects on the population.

One of the major challenges faced during this period is frequent cut in power supply. No electricity; metres in homes will either trip frequently or get a technical fault as a result of the rains.

Stakeholders concerned with water and energy in the Northwest region must be on alert during this period. It will be a fear to battle with insecurity in the dark or no water supply in times of Covid19.

By Ndefru Mélanie


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