ThePresident of
the Northwest Regional Bureau Executive Professor Fru Angwafor Forbuzsi has
recommended a bottom-top approach, taking into account local realities in
drawing a plan/program for the implementation of development activities in the
NorthWest region.
"The top
down approach need to stop, we need to listen to the Fons. They are at the base
and close to the people. We should listen to the actors, we should begin to
find ways that will make those In the bushes drop their guns and join the oath
of Peace". Professor Fru Angwafor Forbuzsi.
This observation was made during a 2 day Seminar in Bamenda on April 6th-7th 2021, to draw up an
action plan that will attract ressources from the budget that was voted by the
National Assembly to push forth with the development of the NorthWest Region.
His preoccupation
is to manage the socio-economic situation of the region, without which,
plans put place to develop and meet the aspirations of the local population may
not work. According to Professor Fru Angwafor, it is important for the Regional
Assembly to function on local taxes while waiting on support from other bigger
Since the
installation of members of the Regional House on January 27th 2021, the local
population have high expectations from the fruits that will yield from this new
bureau, as per the special status given by the Head of State, President Paul
In the Opening speech of the NW Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique, he urged members of the Regional Council to put forth dynamics that will take the Region to another level, away from the ongoing armed conflict and the health Crisis, Covid-19.
The President of
the Regional Executive, Prof Fru Angwafor Forbuzsi and his team have sailed
through the Region and according to his observation," the program is not
very visible and relevant to the community". To him, "Peace building
should be a part of the Program of the Regional House".
question is not whether we get out of the National strategic plan , but there
are some specificities that require the Regional intervention" Président
of the Regional Executive NW.
A good planning
strategy should be adaptable and flexible, reflect realities on the ground.
Taking into consideration the grassroot population. Keeping in mind, the
coherence between the programs and the ressources available to execute them.
"We are not
in the central service but we are on the field to give account to the
population. The plan should be for 5years and after the plan will be evaluated
The Regional
House of Assembly need to recruit staff and begin implementing a visible and
flexible program, the regional strategy needs to be constructed, because at the
level of the councils, all of them have strategic plans.
Different sources
of Ressources will enable the Regional House draw it's plan of action for each
year. One of the presentation discussed the structuring of the Budget through
the Regional programs, where the initiatives of the region are taken into
The technical
team that came with the Inter-Ministerial Delegation from Yaoundé explained
what was required as a plan of action and Budget through presentations;
defining indicators and targets.
Local planning
tools recommended were: Regional Development plan, Council Development plan;
approaching the people and do census to get their exact needs according to
scale of preference in order to their expectations.
By Ndefru Mélanie