Minister Mounouna Foutsou has Launched youth activities to mark end of year activities; of the "Citizens, Patriotic End of Year Celebrations and Citizen and Patriotic CAN" platforms.
MINJEC being at the pivot of theses activities, had the Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou chair the launching of ceremony at the village hall of Akwa, within the framework of civic education and national integration campaign.
It is also worthy of note that these activities hold within the framework of the continental football competition from January 9th.
City Mayor was pleased about the venue choosen to host the launch of these youth activities and expressed gratitude over the donation of 200 chasubles to motorcycle, taxi drivers in the city of Douala by MINJEC, through its Minister Mounouna Foutsou.
According to the city Mayor, there is need to mobilize more partners in order to boost the moral of economic actors, to be in possession of their driving licenses.
Terrestra NANG, Regional Delegate for Youth and Civic Education said the activity required mobilizing 300 motorcycle taxi drivers, with their supervision based on the notion of patriotism and citizenship through the adoption of civic behavior.
The second part was that of the importance of official and professional documents, like the driving license, then the reception of foreigners within the framework of the CAN Total Énergies Cameroon 2021.
"It was a question for us to transform each of them into ambassadors of patriotism and citizenship".
Willy Kengne, representative of the motorcycle taxi unions expressed gratitude to the member of the government.
"This is first in the city of Douala, where motorcycle taxis are invited to a ceremony like this one. we mobilized as you can see, because we knew you were coming. By training, we want to make a difference with those who usurp or use this profession to make a mess", representative of motorbike taxi drivers.
Raising a point, that served as an eye opener to the Minister, who thought that procedure should be followed to obtain driving license for the 200 motorcycle drivers, who benefited from the REAMORCE training.
MAHA HADJA Épse Ibrahim, Director of Civic Education and National Integration (DECIN), situates the goal of the National Campaign for Civic Education and National Integration, led by MINJEC.
The acticity December 20 To which is in its 6th edition on January 07 on the extent of the national territory. With the aim of: "helping to restore a climate of serenity and a return to responsible citizenship during the end of the year holiday season, in the face of the multiple observable behavioral drifts".
Sensitization focused on;
- the fight against the spread of COVID-19, by encouraging vaccination;
- the preservation of peace and harmonious living together;
-the dangers linked to risky sexual behavior, abuse and deviant behavior of any kind and indecency of dress;
- the dangers of the excessive consumption of alcohol, narcotics and other psychotropic substances.
Regarding the operation "CAN Citizen and Patriotic" which intervenes in the context of the organization of CAN Total Energies Cameroon 2021", Director of Civic Education and National Integration further clarified.
During the latter, we note that it will be a question of getting them to respect the barrier measures against Covid-19, developing the patriotic feeling of Cameroonians around the round ball, promoting cleanliness and public morals among others.
In his words, Mounouna Foutsou refered to the training of motorcycle taxi drivers in REAMORCE, a situation he appreciates.
"I would especially like to congratulate the motorcycle taxi drivers of the city of Douala who just completed training in moral, civic and entrepreneurial rearmament. You are now “civic peer educators”. Congratulations again to you! ", Minister Mounouna Foutsou.
He later painted a picture of speech a situation of civic education in society, which indicates government adressing teams mobilized for these operations like the Mobile Urban and Rural Animation Teams.
Mounouna Foutsou encouraged them to “Show good image of the country to foreigners who will be present for the CAN. The kits which were given to you earlier, I am convinced will facilitate the mobilization and sensitization of young people to achieve the objectives ”.
And to young people, the 'I encourage young people to actively participate in the awareness campaign, as they continue to mobilize and join massively to the messages of peace, citizenship and living together, for the promotion of harmonious living together in our dear and beautiful country ”.
Source: MINJEC Communication Unit