Common Initiative Group Recieves Support from Wum Council

2nd Deputy Mayor Wum Council, hands package to Mme Sih Sabina

In order to promote the regions economy, farmers will need all the support they can get in order to produce what can satisfy the demands of the growing population.

It is in thesame vain that, Wum council under Mayor Dighambong Anthony Mvo donated the sum of fcfa 1,500,000 cfa francs to Loving Sisters Mixed Farming, a common initiative group wa-atuo Wum.

Receiving the envelope on behalf of the group, it's president and others were cautioned by 2nd deputy mayor of Wum Council Mme Sih Marie Zenobia to use the money for the purpose for which it's intended and nothing else.

Mme Sih Sabina Ghong, speaking on behalf of the CIG appreciated the gesture and described it as timely, coming at a time when effective sowing is ongoing owing to the start of the rains and farming season in general.

She assured the council via the 2nd deputy and her entourage that the group will use the financial resources to achieve their farming objectives as instructed by the council.

Other speakers at the Cash for agriculture handing over ceremony to the Loving Sisters Mixed Farming CIG included local authorities and notables like Ghong Ivo Nju, Afuh Andrew and Fang Kum Adolf who all enjoined the group members to continue living in peace, promote love, be exemplary and help each other grow.

Access to finance is critical for the growth of the agriculture sector.

The shift from subsistence to commercial agricultural production requires funds.

However, in Wum municipality where agriculture is a source of livelihood for over 80% of the rural people, financing for investments in agriculture is scarce.

Even for large investors, financial institutions are reluctant to accept the risks prevalent in the agricultural sector, such as droughts, floods, pests and diseases, or the transaction costs of covering large geographical distances.

Loving Sisters Mixed Farming CIG members in family picture with Wum Council mayor and staffs

While government is now making efforts to attract investment in the agricultural sector, the lack of understanding of the financial risks and opportunities in sector deprives it of the much-needed funds to boost production, processing and marketing

Communication Unit, Wum Council

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