Countering Hatespeech, Xenophobia: Civic watch using field guide, engage youths in the process

Within the framework of the coalition on countering Hatespeech and xenophobia in Cameroon between the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism and some cCSOs, Association Civic Watch today engaged participants of the Bamenda Archdiocese youth camp. (Saint Paul College).

The sessions held at Saint Paul college, with over 100 children between the ages of 7-15years attending the 1st session and about 200 youths between the ages of 16-35years old attending the 2nd session.

Civic Watch implementing the #defyhayenow initiative in Cameroon seeks to mobilise local stakeholders on countering social media directed Hatespeech, incitement to violence and violent extremism as well as mis/disinformation.

During holiday most youth are idle, have access to phones and ate vulnerable to social media vices. The session shared on social media code of conduct to promote responsibility use, while curb the spread of Hatespeech and mis/misinformation.


By Ndefru Melanie


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