Mayor Ngong Innocent, gets the Dr. tittle attached to his name as proof that he has been awarded a PhD after defending his thesis at the University of Yaounde I.
Defending on the topic; "Impact of Environmental factors on the dissemination of some water borne infections in the hydrosystems and sanitary infrastructures in and around the motor parks of Yaounde," the thesis was subjected to a three hour scrutiny at the faculty of science.
Dr. Ngong Innocent Ankiambom presented a wide range of recommendations which to him will arrest a wide range of disease that may arise following poor sanitary infrastructures within motor parks in Yaounde. He told the five man jury that he was touched by the rising COVID-19 pandemic which is just one of the numerous microbes that affect humans.
The over 280 leave academic work had as objectives to assess environmental parameters in some water bodies in the city of Yaounde, determine the sanitary conditions of toilet, urinary and hand washing infrastructures in the motor parks in Yaounde, to determine the level of bacteria in wells, streams and springs around traveling agencies in Yaounde and to analyze the influence of environmental and other factors on the living things (biotic variables) in the study area.
The presentation took place at the multimedia centre of the University of Yaounde I with a five man jury comprising of Professors Nolah Moise,president Examiners Fote Menbohan and Zebaze Tigouet, Prof Ngakou Albert and supervised by Prof Ajeagah Gideon.
After perusing through the works, a stormy question and answer session between the student and jury left the latter very impressed. The thesis was admissible in content and style. Ngong Innocent was awarded a Doctorate in animal biology, with a grade of "Très Honorable".
Dr. Ngong speaking shortly after his defense highlighted that; " we happened to have exploited the well and streams around travel agencies. We discovered over 18 species of undetected microbes. We also detected that as a result of this, people are suffering in some clinic within the agencies. We also detected that when these microbes are rampant, the growth is high. We are therefore proposing that we can control these microbes by knowing the days and time that they are most predominant.
We have also recommended that urine and faeces should not be thrown and or disposed around agencies. Councils can manage the toilet and water systems of the community to greatly curb any form of resurgence. Dr Ngong added.
The researcher went forward to say that the coronavirus pandemic gave room for the identification of other infections which can be an impediment if nothing is done. Though little known, it can cause untold damages.
Beside having a model traveling agency managed by the council, Dr Ngong also proposes the creation of an infirmary equipped with drugs and staff to take care of emergency infections brought into the park, the loading of Travel Agencies and buses in shifts like in airports to avoid over crowding.
All of these he says hygiene and sanitation around travel agencies can best be managed by the council as they can ensure regular and portable water supply. Also taking into consideration, best practices from the community.
Source: Observer237