Quarter heads from Mankon, Mbatu, Nsongwa and Chomba converged in the heart of Bamenda to discuss and find ways to forge ahead in matters concerning project implemetation and execution, a 2nd phase of their convergence to embark on development strides.
The event held in Bamenda on January 27th 2021, under the auspices of the Mayor of Bamenda II Mayor Chenwi Peter and members of the management team, including Councilors and Members of Congress from Bamenda II subdivision.
According to the Mayor, the need for quater heads to be involved in development strides in their different jurisdictions cannot be overemphasized. Working hand in glove with their traditional rulers to implement projects is of top priority because projects earmarked for 2021 are priorities of the local population.
The Council Development Officer, Tima Charles revealed that Projects for 2021 have been designed to suit the interest and aspirations of the common man, who through their quater heads and Mayor, will meet their demands.
The CDP is a co-financing intervention between the council and PNDP, and is a summary of priority projects of the 128 quarters of Mankon, Mbatu, Nsongwa and Chomba, all of these under Bamenda II.
Challenges faced as enumerated by these elite are basic social aminities; portable water, health, education, roads and above all insecurity.
The Technical programs as outline by the CDO are; improvement of Basic Social Services 27 8%, Economic Development and Environmental Protection 66.24%, Culture Sports and Support to Youths 2.03% and Governance, Local Administration is 3.93%, all from the 2021 budget.
Out of the 18 Regional Councilors, Bamenda II has 4 members, with one being President of the Congress and signatory to the Regional Executive Bureau, Prof. Fru Angwafor Forbuzsi (unavoidably abscent). With this Privilege, the General Manager for MIDENO was positive about change within Bamenda II, the kind that will radiate to other parts of the region.
Allowances were promised to the traditional rulers, as well as quarter heads. The Bamenda II Council Mayor, Mayor Chenwi Peter urged both parties to work in synergy and earn encouragement from the Council.
"Bamenda II Council is working in Synergy with the City Council to give allowances to traditional leaders. Quater heads must ensure that projects are effectively executed in their areas before they are given allowances, so caution goes to contractors who want to be dubious to take contracts without executing." Mayor Chenwi Peter.
Quarter heads expressed gladness about the Mayor's decision to always keep the doors of the Council open to other opinions or proposals.
"Mankon being a cosmopolitan town has the right to have the best of roads, access portable water, get good education and health facilities". Quarter head from Mankon.
The quarter heads within Bamenda II subdivision are for the 2nd time since February 9th 2020 sitting with the Mayor of Bamenda II to startegize on how to execute projects for 2021. The first time was about combating Covid 19 as Bamenda II Council offered anti-Covid kits.
The day was coloured with entertainment from guest artist and dance groups, who in their own way passed on the message of living Together.
By Ndefru Melanie