Indecent Dressing amongst youths has become a call for concern because wearing assorted wear to schools are now allowed, given the crisis situation in the Northwest Region.
"Putting on dresses to school brings about competition between students and this leads to peer pressure, begging and stealing".
This statement was made during a one on one interview with a student at CCAST complex bambili, Mariette Meyanui.
According to her, it is not appropriate for students to put on dresses to school, as it brings about competition between the students.
She added that, " It brings about distraction in school which makes the students compare themselves with teachers since they dress almost in same way."
The choices made by some students in their assorted dresses for school wear, makea some teachers attracted or lust over them. This Student in Bambili suggested that "If there is no way to put on uniforms, authorities should instruct on the type of dresses students can put on to school".
Talking to a teacher who prefers anonymity, she says, "concerning the issue of students and pupils putting on dresses to school instead of uniforms, comes with a lot of difficulty".
"Most times, you see a child dressed in a very indecent way and the only solution, is to advice the student or send the person home." He added.
According to the teacher, home training and upbringing also plays a part in the child's choices.
"Some come from backgrounds where they cannot afford to have variety of dresses. The little they have is what they use for school."
Some students have taken this as an advantage to dress the way they like since they are not permitted to put on uniforms to school.
Putting on a uniform, one will hardly tell which student is rich or poor. Nowadays anybody can wear anything and stroll into classrooms for lessons.
"The issue of uniforms is really affecting us negatively". The teacher concluded.
" The only solution is to put on uniforms to school and If this is not possible for now, a school can set it's rules for girls and boys". The female teacher added.
By Fozao Vaniela