Some aged people and persons living with disbalities who are members of Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit union, have complained of not being able to fight for themselves when it comes to having their passbooks stamped in order to get tickets that permits them get transport after the AGM or even have access to the snacks made available to them by the management of the union.
The ceremony marking NtaCCUL's 36th Annual General Meeting held at the Bamenda Congress hall, Northwest region on January 29th 2023.
The AGM has called the attention of NtaCCUL's management to consider the position of old people and persons living with disabilities (PLWDs) when convenning their Annual General meeting. According to some of these members of the union, Staff of NtaCCUL should handle the situation of these persons that will allow them have easy access to their request at the AGM.
As observed, the worry wasn't just about getting to the line as early as possible on AGM day but it was also about how to get their share of snacks during the AGM.
Some members explained to Civiclens that it is impossible to make it to the line in the early hours of event-day, but can only send their kids or siblings to get their passbooks stamped for tickets.
"I nofit wukop fo early morning time cam stand fo long line fo stamp book, but I fit daso send pekin. Sef na for chop sef, if man no fight fo yi own, u nofit get tin fo chop or water fo drink fo AGM. Plenty pipo go take 2 or 3 time put fo bag weey oda pipo nova get. We d daso beg seey, e better make union add small money make we buy wa chop than fo di fight", Mami Hannah, member of NtaCCUL explained.
Other members are rather of the opinion that people should answer present for themselves; to show interest in learning and contributing to the growth of the union. To some of them, sending passbooks to be stamped is a sign that interest is only in the transport given to them at the end of the AGM.
The President of NtaCCUL, Fru Isaac Taku resolved that it is important for all members of the union to answer present, as the committement and interest of members in the growth of the credit union is of utmost importance to him.
"E better seey make minors their book be accepted, stamped but if we see some person hold 2 or more adult passbooks then dat one no be acceptable. E no be humanly possible seey members go cam AGM from 6am to 3pm weey dem no drink water. If we give money fo replace the water, wuna no go fit chew the money", President of NtaCCUL.
The rush to get passbooks stamped for many members cannot be underestimated. For those who made it early on NtaCCUL's 36th Annual General Assembly meeting, they said the money given at the end can serve for many purposes, because the crisis has greatly affected the region's economy and feeding has become a problem in many homes.